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PK CR@- word/document.xmlOdessa national medical UniversityFaculty of dentistryDepartment of orthopedic dentistrySyllabus of the course"Propaedeutics of orthopedic dentistry»Volume134 hours/ 4.5 creditsSemester, year of studyIII-IV Semester (2 years of study)Days, time, placeaccording to the scheduleTeacher (s)Head of the Department Assoc., Col. med. n. Rozhko P. D., head teacher of the Department Cherednichenko A.V., associate professors, candidate of medical Sciences: Ryaboshapko A. A., БурдейнийV. S. Burdeyny, Balikov V. V., Kushnir N. V., асистенти PhD assistants: Rozumenko M. V., Shakhnovsky I. V., Rozumenko V. A., Adamov S. I., Lysenko V. V.Contact phonenumber at the Department phone number is missingE-mailortstom-onmedu@ukr.netWorkplaceDepartment of orthopedic dentistry, vul. Shopping street, 15ConsultationsFace-to-face consultations: 14.30-16.00 hours on Thursday, and 8.30-13.00 hours on Saturday.On-line consultations: conducted by agreement with the teacher, who conducts classes in a group on an individual basis. COMMUNICATIONCommunication with students will be carried out in the classroom according to the schedule, as wellза as by E-mail, by phone of the teacher – in the case of distance learning.ABSTRACT OF THE COURSE The subjectом of the discipline is dentistryand manipulationїused in the treatment of patients with defects in the crown part of the tooth, with partial and complete adentia. Students get acquainted with the organization and operation of the dental laboratory and its departments, clinical offices, and documentation. Пререквізити курса:Theprogram focuses on students ' preliminary study of human anatomy, histology, embryology and Cytology, medical physics, Microbiology, Virology and immunology, andintegration with these disciplines.The purpose of the discipline is to master phantom models of appliances perform certain dental procedures that are used in the treatment of patients with defects in the coronal portion of the tooth, partial and complete edentulism, for their further use in the treatment of patients and the formation of a special (professional) competencies in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry.Objectives of the discipline: formation of students ' knowledge, certain skills and abilities, preparation of students for work in a clinical dental office, mastering knowledge of functional anatomy, examination, impression materials, with the main technological processes of manufacturing structures of fixed and removable dentures.Expected resultsAs a result of studying the academic discipline "Propaedeutics of orthopedic dentistry", the student should know:Organization of work of the orthopedic Department. Anatomy and physiology of the maxillary apparatus.Clinical and additional methods of examination of the patient in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry.Preliminary and final diagnosis. Medical history and rules of its management.Materials science in orthopedic dentistry.Technology of manufacturing dentures for the crown part of the tooth.Technology of manufacturing permanent dentures with partial absence of teeth.Technology of manufacturing removable dentures with partial absence of teeth.The technology of fabrication of complete dentures.СC the student must be able to:Be able to interpret the functional anatomy of the masticatory system,its components and their interaction.Be ableto model the crown part of the teeth.Be able to determine the types of physiological and pathological types of bite on plaster models.Be able to determine the sequence of examination of orthopedic patients.Be able to formulate the sequence of filling out the orthopedic patient's medical history.Be able to formulate the main components of the diagnosis.Be able to establish the anatomical part of the diagnosis of orthopedic patients according to the classifications of dentition byBetelman andKennedy.Be able to calculate the loss of chewing efficiency byAgapova.Be able to classify defects of the crown part of the teeth by Black and determine the index of destruction of the occlusal surface of the tooth in Milikevich (IOPD).Be able to pick up impression spoons on the upper and lower jaw.Be able to get a complete anatomical impression from a plaster model with various bituminous materials.Be able to evaluate the received fingerprint for compliance with the requirements.Master the technique of making plaster models of the upper and lower jaws and their design of the base.Be able to insert models into the occluder in the Central occlusion position.Be able to determine indications for the manufacture of removable and non-removable denture structures, depending on defects in the dentition.Be able to interpret the main technological stages of manufacturing removable and non-removable denture structures.COURSE DESCRIPTIONForms and methods of trainingThe course will be presented in the form of lectures (10 hours) and practical exercises (70 hours).), organization of independent work of students (54 hours). When teaching the discipline, the following methods are used: a lecturer's story, a PowerPoint demonstration with an explanation, a conversation, and analysis of new information. During practical classes, students use their theoretical knowledge to complete practical tasks. The format of practical classes includes::- checking the knowledge of previously studied material (control event); - working out new material and getting a task for the next lesson.Content of the academic discipline Subsection 1. " organization of work of the orthopedic office. The equipment of the clinic and the laboratory. Functional anatomy of the masticatory apparatus. Examination of orthopedic patients. " Topics # 1-9.Subsection 2. "Clinical materials science." Topics # 10-15.Subsection 3. "Technological processes for the manufacture of dental prostheses." No. 16-20.List of recommended literature The main (basic)Rozhko N. M., Nespryadko V. P., Mikhaylenko T. N. etc. Prosthodontic appliances. K.: the Book-plus, 2016. 604 p.Dentistry. Tutorial. In 2 books.KN. 1./M. M.Rozhko, S. By. Popovich, V. D.Kuroda , etc..; for ed.. Prof. M. M.Rozhka, K., 2013, 872 p.Flis P. S., Leonenko G. P., Canora A. A. et al.. Propaedeutics of orthopedic dentistry:Textbook / ed. by P. Sec. Flisa . Moscow: VSI "Meditsina", 2014. 344s.Auxiliary systemFleece PS, Leonenko,G. P.,Sinyavsky I. A. Propedeutics of orthopedic dentistry: Textbook / under the editorship of P. Sec. Fleece. Moscow: VSV Meditsina publ., 2010. 328 pages.Makeev V. F., Stupnitsky G. M. Theoretical foundations of prosthetic dentistry (tutorial). Lviv: Daniel Galitsky LNMU, 2010. 394 p.Fleece PS, Vlasenko A. S. Technology of production of dental prostheses using Ceramical and composite materials. K.: Medicine, 2010. 296 p.Chulak L. D., Shturmanskie V. G. Clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing dentures. Odessa. Indecky honey. University, 2009. 318p . (in Russian).Lebedenko Y. Yu.,Arutyunov S. D.Clinical methoddiagnostics of functional disorders of thedentoalveolar system. Moscow: Medpress – inform, 2008, 144 p. (in Russian)Fleece P. S., BANNO, T. M. Technique of manufacturing removable dentures.: podruchnik. K.: Meditsina. 2008. 256 p.Propaedeutics of orthopedic dentistry / ed. King M. D.Vinnytsia: Novaya kniga publ., 2005, 240 p.Dominicci V. G., Fastivets' EA. Dentalprosthetics . Educational and methodical guide for foreign students of the dentalfaculty.- Propetrovskпропетровск, OK "Pechatnik", 2004. 60 p.RATINGSCurrent monitoring is carried out at each practical lesson according to the specific goals of the topics. The assessment of current academic performance is based on the results of:correct answers to questions in the textbook (filled in by the student during preparation for the practical lesson);practical training interviews;performing practical work in the classroom.When mastering each module topic, the student's current academic activity is evaluated on a 4-point traditional scale.Assessment of independent work:Independent work of students, which is provided in the topic next to the classroom work, is evaluated during the current control of the topic in the corresponding lesson. Final control (differentiated credit))it is carried out at the end of each course. Students who have completed all types of work provided for in the curriculum and who do not have passes (who have completed all passes), have an average score for current academic activities of at least 3.00, and have passed the final test control in the penultimate lesson by at least 90% are allowed to take the final control.Differentiated credit is assessed based on the results of an interview with the head of the Department. Each ticket includes 3 theoretical questions.The received grade for the discipline is regarded as the percentage of mastering the required amount of knowledge in this subject. Independent work of students.Preparation for practical classes (theoretical, practical skills development)Self-study of topics that are not included in the thematic plan of practical classes – 5 topics of 2 hours eachIndependent work of students, which is provided in the topic next to the classroom work, is evaluated during the current control of the topic in the corresponding lesson. COURSE POLICY Policy on deadlines and retakes:The final (differentiated credit) is carried out in the audience. if there is no or low result, it will be recalculated according to the scheduleAcademic integrity policy: C theuse of prohibited auxiliary materials or technical means during control events (cheat sheets, notes, мікронавушниківmicrophones , phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.);Attendance and lateness policy:Students are required to attend all types of training sessions. Mobile devices:Use mobile devices only with the teacher's permission.Behavior in the classroom:Active business atmosphere.PK CRX word/numbering.xml
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