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¥CR^…)˜#Á #Á word/document.xmlOdessa national medical UniversityFaculty of dentistryDepartment of orthopedic dentistrySyllabus of the course«The core technology of dentures»Volume120 hours/ 4 creditsandSemester, year of studyIII-IV Semester (2 years of study)Days, time, placeaccording to the scheduleTeacher (s)Head of the Department Assoc., Col. med. n. Rozhko P. D., head teacher of the Department Cherednichenko A.V., associate professors, candidate of medical Sciences: Ryaboshapko A. A., БурдейнийV. S. Burdeyny, Balikov V. V., Kushnir N. V., асистенти PhD assistants: Rozumenko M. V., Shakhnovsky I. V., Rozumenko V. A., Adamov S. I., Lysenko V. V.Contact phonenumber at the Department phone number is missingE-mailortstom-onmedu@ukr.netWorkplaceDepartment of orthopedic dentistry, vul. Shopping street, 15ConsultationsFace-to-face consultations: 14.30-16.00 hours on Thursday, and 8.30-13.00 hours on Saturday.On-line consultations: conducted by agreement with the teacher, who conducts classes in a group on an individual basis. COMMUNICATIONCommunication with students will be carried out in the classroom according to a schedule, as well as using the Microsoft Times, Zoom, E-mail platform, and by phone of the teacher – in the case of distance learning.ABSTRACT OF THE COURSE The subjectом of the discipline is dental orthopedic treatment of the following types of pathology of the maxillary apparatus: defects of the crown part of individual teeth, partial tooth loss, pathology of hard tissues of teeth.Пререквізити курса:Theprogram is based on students ' preliminary study of human anatomy, histology, embryology and Cytology, physiology, pathomorphology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, medical physics, Microbiology, Virology and immunology and is integrated with these disciplines.The purpose of teaching is the professional formation of the future specialist, able to solve clinical problems using the acquired knowledge and skills in the discipline involves the integration of teaching medical, surgical and dentistry of childhood.The main objectives of studying the academic discipline "The core technology of dentures" is: to teach students to conduct surveys of patients in a clinical study with the use of dental equipment and tools; to teach students to analyze diagnostic model of patients with different types of pathology dental apparatus; on the basis of clinical thinking to choose recovery methods defects of the teeth and dentition; to teach students to perform practical skills during clinical patients with different defects of the dentoalveolar apparatus; to teach students solve situational problems, with clinical directions. Competencies and learning outcomes that the discipline contributes to (the relationship with the normative content of training applicants for higher education, formulated in terms of learning outcomes in AKI).Expected results:Integrative end program learning outcomes that are promoted by the academic discipline "The core technology of dentures": On the basis of a survey , examination, and instrumental research, be able to evaluate information about the diagnosis, and make a preliminary and final diagnosis.Assign and analyze additional (mandatory and optional) survey methodsDetermine the approach, plan, type and principle of treatment of dental diseases by making an informed decision based on existing algorithms and standard schemes.Determine the tactics of providing emergency medical care, using recommended algorithms, in any circumstances based on the diagnosis of an emergency condition in a limited time.Comply with the requirements of ethics, bioethics and deontology in their professional activities.Organize the necessary level of individual safety (own and those who are taken care of) in the event of typical dangerous situations in the individual field of activityPerform medical dental manipulations based on a preliminary and / or final clinical diagnosis for different segments of the population and in different settings.Perform manipulations of emergency medical care, using standard schemes, under any circumstances based on the diagnosis of an emergency condition in a limited time.COURSE DESCRIPTIONForms and methods of trainingThe course will be presented in the form of lectures (16 hours.) and seminars (22-4 hours.), organization of independent work of students (80 hours). When teaching the discipline, the following methods are used: lecturer's story, PowerPoint demonstration and explanation, conversation, briefing, analysis of new information. During the seminar sessions, the teacher conducts a discussion on pre -defined problems, for which students prepare abstracts виступів на based on individually completed tasks (essays, essays, etc.). During the seminar session, the teacher evaluates the quality of students ' individual tasks, their performances, activity in discussion, ability to formulate and defend their position, and so on.Content of the academic discipline Clinical examination of patients with defects of teeth and dentition. Special methods of examination. Drawing up a treatment plan. Registration of documentation.Modern technologies for manufacturing inlays, pin structures, and artificial crowns.Manufacturing technologies of stamped-soldered, solid-cast, solid-cast with the appearance of bridge prostheses.Modernparallelometer designs . The process of milling wax reproductions and metal frames. Wax modeling. Frame design and design of the intermediate part of the denture.Fixed prostheses with support on implants. Removable dentures supported by implantsModern manufacturing technology of of partial removable laminar dentures.Modern technologies of manufacturing of clasp prosthesis structures.Modern technologies for manufacturing complete removable plate prostheses.List of recommended literature The main (basic)1.Makeev V. F., Stupnitsky G. M. Theoretical foundations of prosthetic dentistry (tutorial). Lviv: Daniel Galitsky LNMU, 2010, 394 p.2.Rozhko N. M., Popovich S. N. and others..Dentistry: textbook: In 2kn Books. 1 / Kol.: VSV "Meditsina", 2016, pp. 458-462.Auxiliary system1.Nespryadko V. P., Rozhko N. M. Orthopedic dentistry. Kiev. Kniga plus, 2003.2.Rozhko N. M., Nespryadko V. P., Mikhaylenko T. N. et al. Zuboprostheznaya Tekhnika, kniga plus publ., 2006, 544 p. (in Russian)3.The fundamentals of ethics in dentistry. Manual for students and doctors /ПодEdited by G. P. Ruzin. - Vinnytsia: New book, 2008. - 120s.4.Majewski , S. V. Offices of gnatologia. Нормы Occlusion norms and functions of the dental system /Majewski S. V.-Lviv: Galdent. - 2008. - 144s.5.Golecki G. A., Rozhko N. M., Zavadka A. Is.,Skrypnikov P. M. Complications of local anesthesia in the maxillofacial region: A guide in 3 volumes-Lviv: Ivano-Frankivsk: Poltava: Publishing house "Nautilus", 2002. - 231 p.6.King M. D., Korobeinikov , L. S., Cindy D. D., Yarkovoy V. V.Aguachica A. D. Tactics curation of patients in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry. Poltava: Astraya publ., 2003-52 p. 7.King M. D., Korobeinikov , L. S., Cindy D. D., Yarkovoy V. V. Practical course on orthopedic dentistry. Part II. Poltava: PP "Formica, 2002, 168 p. (in Russian)8.Occlusion and clinical practiceпод. Klineberg, GermanyJager; Translated from English.Under total.editedby M. M.Antonika, Moscow: Medpress-inform, 2006 – - 200S.9.Bernard Tuati, PaulMiara, Dan Nathanson. Esthetic dentistry and ceramic restorations. Translated from English-Moscow: Publishing house Home "Higher education and Science", 2004, 448 p.10.Crispin N. D., Hevlett E. G., Joe Y. H.Modern aesthetic dentistry. Practical basics. Translated from English. ПодEdited by T. F. Vinogradov. – Publishing house "The quintessence", 2003 – 303 p.11.The trouble with V. I. Replacement of defects of dentition removable dentures. The lecture. - Kiev, 2001. - 26S.12.Dental prosthetics. Educational and methodical manual for foreign students стоматологического of the faculty of dentistry // Dominicci V. G., Fastivets' E. A. : Dnepropetrovsk, OK "Pechatnik" publ., 2004. - 60s.13.The fundamentals of ethics in dentistry. Manual for students and doctors /ПодEdited by G. P. Ruzin. - Vinnytsia: New book, 2008. - 120s.RATINGSCurrent monitoring is carried out at each practical lesson according to the specific goals of the topics. The assessment of current academic performance is based on the results of:1.interviews for the Seminary lesson;2.performing individual work in the classroom.When mastering each module topic, the student's current academic activity is evaluated on a 4-point traditional scale.Assessment of independent work:Independent work of students, which is provided in the topic next to the classroom work, is evaluated during the current control of the topic in the corresponding lesson. The final control. Credit-this form of control for a discipline consists in evaluating the student's assimilation of the discipline's curriculum in full, based on the results of current control. Tests are held at the last lesson in the discipline. ПNidsum control in the form of a test оцінюється за is evaluated on a two-point scale: – the grade "credited" is given to a student who has completed навчальнийthe curriculum of the discipline, which does not have academic debt; dthe level of competence is high (creative); – the grade "not credited" is given to a student who has not completed навчальнийthe curriculum of the discipline, has an academic debt (the average score is lower than 3.0 and/or missed classes); dthe level of competence is low (receptive – productive). Independent work of students.Independent out-of-class work of a student is the main means of mastering the educational material, it includes working out the educational material, пpreparing for lectures and other types of training sessions, performing individual tasks, research work, and the like , and is performed outside the classroom. COURSE POLICY Policy on deadlines and retakes:Final control (scoring) is carried out in the audience. if there is no or low result, it will be recalculated according to the scheduleAcademic integrity policy: C theuse of prohibited auxiliary materials or technical means during control events (cheat sheets, notes, мікронавушниківmicrophones , phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.);Attendance and lateness policy:Students are required to attend all types of training sessions. Mobile devices:Use mobile devices only with the teacher's permission.Behavior in the classroom:Active business atmosphere.PK
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