:: Circulatory disorders: hyperemia, ischemia, infarction, hemorrhage, stasis, plasmorrhagia. Shock. Disorders of the lymph circulation. :: At autopsy of the deceased patient, who had suffered from a heart defect was found enlarged liver with mottled appearance (“nutmeg” appearance) on the section. Name the type of circulatory disorders { ~ Total arterial hyperemia ~ Hemorrhage ~ Bleeding =. General venous congestion (plethora) ~ Anemia } Emotional hard work lead to sudden death of a young man. The autopsy revealed uneven perfusion of the myocardium. Histochemically: a decrease in the content of glycogen. Electron microscopically: destruction of mitochondria, contraction of myofibrils. Specify the probable circulatory disorders? { ~ Chronic ischemia ~ Acute venous hyperemia ~ Angioneurotic arterial hyperemia = Acute ischemia ~ Wakatic arterial hyperemia } A male patient of 25 years after the formation of a blood clot in the main arterial trunk showed signs of congestion of the arteries synergists. What is type of hyperemia? { ~ Angioneurotic = Collateral ~ Hyperemia after anemia ~ Wakatic ~ Inflammatory } When the autopsy of a 30 year old man with mitral insufficiency in rheumatoid arthritis the portion of the wedge shape in lung was identified, which had dense consistency, dark red colour, with clear boundaries. The base of the wedge is located subpleural, the apex was directed to the root of the lung. What pathological process developed in the lung? { ~ Abscess ~ Hematoma ~ Hemothorax =Hemorrhagic infarction ~ Ischemic myocardial } The deceased 30 year old man, for a long time suffering from decompensated heart disease, the liver is enlarged, dense, rounded edges, the cut surface is mottled with dark-red spots. What is the name of this liver? { ~ Large mottled liver ~ Shock liver = Nutmeg liver ~ Toxic liver ~ Toxic liver } At autopsy of the deceased in the lungs of the patient was revealed: multiple hemorrhages, hemosiderosis, and the growth of connective tissue. The lungs are large, brown and dense.What process leads to such changes? { ~ Gangrene of the lung ~ Pulmonary infarction ~ Silicosis of the lung = Chronic venous stasis ~ Atrophy } Short angiospasm led to the development of thrombus. In the area of blood supply appeared dystrophic and necrobiotic changes. What is the name of this anemia? { = Angiopathies ~ Compensatory ~ Chronic anemia ~ Parenchymatous ~ the Result of redistribution of blood } At autopsy of suddenly died 30 years old women same blood in the pericardial cavity was found. What is the name of this process? { ~ Hematoma ~ Hemorrhagic infiltration ~ A Bruise = Hemopericardium ~ Hemothorax } At autopsy of man who died after operations on the chest organs about one liter of fluid in the pleural cavity was found (during surgery was damaged thoracic lymphatic duct). For biochemical analysis of the fluid revealed the presence of albumins, globulins, lipids, electrolytes, mezoteliocitov, blood elements were absent. How is the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity? { ~ Hemothorax ~ Hydrothorax ~ Pyothorax ~ Empyema = Chylothorax } At the autopsy of a 56 years old man, died of acute heart failure, left ventricular wall revealed an area of necrosis irregularly shaped whitish with perifocal zone of hyperemia and hemorrhage. Name the type of pathological process in the heart of the deceased? { ~ Ischemic myocardial ~ Hemorrhagic infarction = Ischemic infarct with hemorrhagic Corolla ~ BioMalaysia ~ Colliquation necrosis }