: : Viral respiratory infections. Rabies. Rickettsial diseases. Prion infections : : 1 A man aged 78 died of cachexia. The last 2 years of his life he suffered from progressive dementia. At autopsy macroscopically there was observed a slight decrease in the mass of brain convolutions and moderate atrophy. Microscopically in all parts of the cerebral cortex of the brain, in the subcortical nuclei, cerebellar cortex and thalamus there were detected optically empty vacuoles of oval form (spongiosis) and loss (dropout) of neurons III - VI layer, combined with the proliferation of astroglia. Also, there were eosinophilic structures rounded, with a positive reaction stains for amyloid. This microscopic pattern is typical for: { = Prionic encephalopathy ~ Viral encephalitis ~ Alcohol intoxication ~ Uremic encephalopathy ~ Hepatic encephalopathy } 2 The patient aged 23 died of symptoms of cerebral edema. Microscopically in brain tissue there is revealed congestion, edema, perivascular infiltrate consisting of lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages, lysis of neurons, astrocytes and microglial hyperplasia cells, forming small nodules.This microscopic pattern is typical for: { ~ Prionic encephalopathy = Viral encephalitis ~ Alcohol intoxication ~ Parasitic infections ~ Uremic encephalopathy } 3 During thanatopsy of a patient who had died of spotted fever, there was found that the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and inner thighs are thick, brittle of whitish-yellow color on the surface are stearic- (paraffin-) like. These described changes in muscles are manifestation of: { ~ Apoptosis ~ Fibrinoid necrosis = Zenker degeneration ~ Colliquative necrosis ~ Caseation necrosis } 4 The patient aged 34 was admitted to hospital complaining of chills, fever up to 40 degrees, headache, and weakness. By the end of the 5 th day on the skin appeared millet typhoid maculopapular rash (exanthema), collapse developed. Diagnosed with spotted fever. What morphological changes are the signs of exanthema: { = Destructive-proliferative endotrombovasculitis ~ Venous engorgement ~ Active hyperemia ~ Periarteritis ~ Segmental fibrinoid degeneration of arteriolas } 5 Male aged 67 during the flu epidemic was admitted to hospital complaining of chills, fever up to 39.0 `C, headache, cough, dyspnea. In the lungs crackles were determined. After 2 days, despite intensive therapy, death occurred of cardiopulmonary diseases. What type of inflammation of the trachea and bronchi, confirming the diagnosis of influenza, was found at autopsy: { ~ Catarrhal tracheobronchitis = Serous-desquamative tracheobronchitis ~ Diphtheritic tracheobronchitis ~ Fibrinous-hemorrhagic tracheobronchitis ~ Phlegmonous tracheobronchitis } 6 The patient aged 43 died on the 5th day of illness during the flu epidemic. The mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract are imbibitioned with hemorrhagic exudate and dotted with often punctate hemorrhages . In the larynx and trachea there is observed fibrinous-hemorrhagic inflammation with extensive necrosis in the mucosa, fibrinous-hemorrhagic panbronhit. The massive pulmonary hemorrhage, and small foci of hemorrhagic pneumonia. In brain tissue there are revealed hyperemia, edema, and hemorrhagic impregnation and punctulated hemorrhage. In tanatogenesis a leading role had: { = Toxemia of influenza ~ Cardiovascular complications ~ Encephalopathy ~ Pneumonia ~ Necrotic-infectious complications } 7 The patient aged 27 died of symptoms of severe intoxication and respiratory failure. In the context of lung tissue in all parts mottled with multiple small focal hemorrhages and foci of emphysema. Histological examination: pulmonary hemorrhagic pneumonia with abscess formation in the cytoplasm of bronchial epithelium there are eosinophilic and basophilic inclusion. Diagnose the disease detected in the section: { ~ Parainfluenza ~ Respiratory syncytial infection ~ Adenovirus infection = Influenza ~ Staphylococcal bronchial pneumonia } 8 The boy aged 6 has a sharp pain during swallowing, edema of the neck, body temperature rose to 39.0 `C. On the tonsils appeared grayish-yellow cuticles that were taken off with great difficulty. Evident signs of intoxication. Which of the following diseases is mentioned above: { ~ Scarlet fever ~ Measles = Diphteria ~ Meningococcal nasopharyngitis ~ Influenza } 9 When hospitalization during the influenza epidemic 58 years old patient complained of chills, fever up to 38.5 degrees for 10 days, shortness of breath, cough. The phenomena of respiratory failure progressed, in 7 days the patient died of cardiorespiratory failure. Diagnose the disease detected in the section: { = Severe influenza with pulmonary complications ~ Influenza with bacterial and septic complications ~ Influenza with hemorrhagic brain edema ~ Influenza with a predominance of toxicity ~ Üoderately severe ønfluenza } 10 A child aged 5 delivered to the receiving department of the hospital in a state of asphyxia. The white-yellow throat occlusive gaps and easily separated plicas. Tracheotomy was carried out. What type of inflammation developed in the larynx: { = Catarrhal ~ Diphtheritic ~ Diphtheroid ~ Croupous ~ Mixed }