: : Gingival and periodontal diseases : : 1 Gingival mucosa is hyperemic, edematous. This pattern developed after the burn. In 10 days it was recovered. Your diagnosis: { ~ Acute stomatitis ~ Local periodontitis = Catarrhal gingivitis ~ Chronic gingivitis ~ Ulcerative gingivitis } 2 In the dental neck in gingival pocket on the teeth there are visible foreign masses in the form of dense limestone formations of brown color. Gingival inflammation. Your diagnosis: { ~ Superficial caries ~ Deep dental caries ~ Cervical caries = Dental tartar ~ Wedge-shaped defect } 3 Against the background of chronic gingivitis the patient with diabetes has consistently formed plaque and tartar. Then there formed tooth and tartat channel with depth of more than 5 mm, periodontal gap is widened. Your diagnosis: { =Generalized periodontitis ~ Local periodontitis ~ Paradontoma/benign tumor / lump situated on the gingival or alveolar mucosa ~ Fibromatosis ~ Epulis } 4 X-ray examination of jaws has found that resorption of bone tissues holes does not exceed ¼ of the tooth root. Your diagnosis: { ~ IV stage of resorption ~ III stage of resorption ~ II stage of resorption = I stage of resorption ~ Norm } 5 On the gum of the pointed tooth there is a tumor of 1 cm in diameter, of round shape on a broad base, of brown color. At histological examination there is determined connective tissue with a large number of capillaries. Your diagnosis: { = Angiomatous epulis ~ Angiomatous epulis ~ Giant cell epulis ~ Reparative granuloma ~ Gingival fibromatosis } 6 In the study of tumor formation there was found gingival connective tissue, which resembles a solid fiber. Your diagnosis: { ~ Angiomatous epulis = Angiomatous epulis ~ Giant cell epulis ~ Reparative granuloma ~ Gingival fibromatosis } 7 For the reason of microvascular thrombosis there occured an area with necrosis of bone tissue, which is torn from the bone. Your diagnosis: { ~ Gangrene = Necrotic caries ~ Albuminous periostitis ~ Purulent periostitis ~ Sepsis } 8 Against the background of established periodontal purulent there occurred complication. The infection spread into the periosteum through the canals of osteon (Haversian) and nourishing (Volkmann canal). Dense tissue periosteum prevents the spread of purulent process, resulting in an abscess with subperiosteal detachment of the periosteum. Your diagnosis: { ~ Central osteitis ~ Chronic fibrotic periostitis = Purulent periostitis ~ Albuminous periostitis ~ Suppurative periostitis } 9 On examination of the oral cavity in the vestibular surface of the lower incisors to the left there was revealed the formation of mushroom-shaped pink color up to 2 cm wide which is fixed with the help of large foot to the extra-alveolar tissue. Histological examination revealed branched capillary type vessels with vascular nephros, sites of hemorrhage and hemosiderosis foci. What is the most probable diagnosis: { ~ Fibrous epulis = Giant cell epulis ~ Angiomatous epulis ~ Gingival fibromatosis ~ Cavernous haemangioma } 10 At the root of the tooth IV of the upper jaw there is a cyst with diameter of 3 cm. the inner surface of which is lined with its stratified squamous epithelium without keratinization. The wall is infiltrated by lymphocytes and plasmocytes. Your diagnosis: { ~ Nonodontogenic cyst ~ Follicular cyst ~ Primordial cyst = Radicular cyst ~ Keratocyst }