: : Pre- and perinatal pathology : : 1 The autopsy of the stillborn found decreased volume of the cranium, the thickening of the skull bones, weight and volume reduction of the brain. What kind of birth defect of the brain is it: { ~ Anencephalia = Microcephalia ~ Porencephalia ~ Hydrocephalus ~ Meningocele } 2 The autopsy of the brain of the stillborn found cysts of various sizes, communicating with the lateral ventricles of the brain. What kind of birth defects should be suspected: { = Porencephalia ~ Microcephalia ~ Hydrocephalus ~ Meningoencephalocele ~ Encephalocolpocystocele } 3 The autopsy of a heart of the stillborn found ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy of the heart wall. What kind of a combined congenital heart disease should we think about: { = Trilogy of Fallot ~ Fallot's tetralogy ~ Pentada Fallot's ~ Atrial septal defect ~ Stenosis of pulmonary artery } 4 On gross examination of the liver of the stillborn there were found multiple cysts of various sizes, filled with a clear liquid. What kind of congenital liver malformation should we think about: { = Polycystic liver disease ~ Agenesia of intrahepatic bile ducts ~ Hypoplasy of intrahepatic bile ducts ~ Hyperplasia of intrahepatic bile ducts ~ Stenosis of intrahepatic bile ducts } 5 The autopsy of the stillborn found only one kidney. What kind of congenital kidney malformation does this case include: { = Agenesia ~ Hypoplasy ~ Dysplasia ~ Cake kidney ~ Largecystic kidneys } 6 During macroscopic examination of the kidneys of the stillborn there was found significant increase in the cortical layer of the large number of large cysts with transparent content. The liver and pancreatic cysts are also detected. What kind of congenital kidney malformation should we think about: { ~ Smallcystic kidneys ~ Renal dysplasia ~ Renal hypoplasia = Largecystic kidneys ~ Cake kidney } 7 In the cavity of the parietal bones of the skull of the newborn under the periosteum there is limited hemorrhage. Diagnose the process: { = External blood tumor of head ~ Generic swelling of the fetal head ~ Epidural hemorrhage ~ Phlegmon of the soft tissues of the head ~ Subdural hemorrhage } 8 In the thikness of the parietal lobe of the left brain of the dead newborn there was found section of grayish dirty color, of pasty consistency 1x2 cm with blurred boundaries. What pathological process has developed: {=~ Ischemic infarction ~ Hemorrhagic infarction ~ Hemorrhage in the brain tissue ~ Cephalohematoma ~ Epidural hematoma } 9 The autopsy of the brain of the dead newborn found blood in the cavity of the lateral ventricles. What was the cause of death: { = Intraventricular hemorrhage ~ Epidural hemorrhage ~ Subdural hemorrhage ~ Subependymal hemorrhage ~ Leptomeningeal hemorrhage } 10 During gross examination of the dead newborn there was found hemorrhage in the tissue of the lungs, pleura, subcapsular hematoma of the liver, adrenal glands, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. What kind of disease should we think about: { = Haemorrhagic disease of the newborn ~ Hemolytic disease of newborn ~ Melena vera ~ Pulmonary infarction ~ Kidney hematoma }