: : Sepsis. Quarantine infection. Syphilis : : 1 3 days after the illegal abortion, the patient's temperature rised to 40 degrees, there were petechial hemorrhages in the skin, confusion. After 2 days, death occurred. Histology revealed: interstitial inflammation of the myocardium, liver, kidney, and septic spleen. What form of sepsis most likely: { ~ Chroniosepsis = Septicemia ~ Septicopyaemia ~ Chernogubov disease ~ Septic endocarditis } 2 Cattle farm worker, got acutely ill and died from growing phenomena of intoxication. At autopsy there was established that the spleen is enlarged, flabby, on a section it is dark cherry color, scrape pulp plentiful. Pia mater at the roof and base of the brain is swollen perfused with blood and have a deep red color ("cap Cardinal"). Microscopically: serous-hemorrhagic inflammation of the membranes and brain tissue with the destruction of the walls of the small blood vessels. diagnose: { = Anthrax ~ Brucellosis ~ Cholera ~ Plague ~ Tularemia } 3 At autopsy of a child suffering from purulent omphalitis, were found liver abscesses, enlarged spleen which gives a rich scraping pulp, purulent meningoencephalitis, purulent ulcerative colitis. diagnose disease: { = Septicopyaemia ~ Chroniosepsis ~ Meningococcal meningitis ~ Dysentery ~ Non-specific ulcerative colitis } 4 The panel revealed an aneurysm of the ascending aorta. Microscopically in the aortic wall were detected inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells, fibroblasts and giant multinucleate cells. What is the most likely diagnosis: { ~ Atherosclerosis = Syphilis ~ Rheumatism ~ Hypertonic disease ~ Tuberculosis } 5 Patient 35 years old suddenly developed diarrhea with watery stool. Later an abundant repeated vomiting, signs of dehydration - skin was wrinkled, very thirsty. With shortness of breath, hoarseness, convulsions, coma developed, and finally death occurred. At autopsy the lumen of the small intestine sharply expanded, overflowing liquid-like congee. Bowel wall edema, with multiple punctate hemorrhages. What is the most likely diagnosis: { = Cholera ~ Amoebiasis ~ Dysentery ~ Typhoid fever ~ Tuberculosis } 6 At a hunters after being bitten by fleas, sharply increased axillary lymph nodes on the right. Their size reached 6-7 cm in diameter, soldered together, with a dough-like consistency vane. The biopsy revealed foci of necrosis, hemorrhage, proliferation of reticular cells. The fabric is impregnated with lymph node serous exudate and contains a large number of microorganisms. Your diagnosis: { ~ Lymphosarcoma ~ Lymphocytic leukemia ~ Lymphogranulomatosis = Plague ~ Anthrax } 7 The patient was 45 years old, a resident of rural areas for a long time, complained of malaise, insomnia, irritability, headache, muscle aches and joint pain, loss of appetite, low-grade fever. Death was at the phenomena of multiple organ failure. Autopsy found in many organs granuloma formed by epithelioid macrophages with an admixture of plasma cells, eosinophils, and a single cell type Pirogov-Langhans. In addition to the identified systemic granulomatosis productive-destructive vasculitis. Your diagnosis: { ~ Tularemia = Brucellosis ~ Cholera ~ Plague ~ Anthrax } 8 A patient 18 years old with inguinal lymph nodes that are increased in size, painless, palpable sealed. In the mucous membrane of the genitals - ulcer of small size with sealed edges, "lacquer" bottom with grayish color. What is the most likely diagnosis: { ~ Leprosy ~ Tuberculosis = Syphilis ~ Trophic ulcer ~ Gonorrhea } 9 Patient M. 14 years old, diagnosed with Hutchinson's triad: barrel-shaped teeth, parenchymal keratitis and deafness. What disease is characterized by the revealed changes: { ~ Leprosy ~ Toxoplasmosis = Syphilis ~ Tuberculosis ~ Opisthorchiasis } 10 In the liver biopsy of the 39 year old patient, was found granulomas composed of epithelioid, lymphoid, plasma cells, macrophages and single giant cell type Pirogov-Langhans. The granulomas of many small vessels with signs of endo- and perivasculitis, there are some foci of caseous necrosis. What disease is characterized by the revealed changes: { ~ Leprosy = Syphilis ~ Tuberculosis ~ Rhinoscleroma ~ Glanders }