:: Proliferative inflammation. Specific inflammation. Granulomatosis :: {The patient suffers from chronic long sialoadenitom. Histologically, salivary gland biopsy revealed infiltration in the stroma, consisting of histiocytes, large epithelioid cells, giant cells, the cell type of foreign bodies. What kind of inflammation? ~Alterative =Interstitial ~Purulent ~Fibrinopurulent ~Granulomatous } {During Microscopic examination of autopsy was revealed granulomas consisting of macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells. It is characteristic of cells were macrophages with more fat vacuoles and a large number of bacteria. Your diagnosis: ~Banal inflammation ~Tuberculosis ~Syphilis =Leprosy ~Sap} {In the study of postoperative material sent with suspected tumor necrosis found a vast land with preserved outlines of the pre-existing tissue surrounded surrounded by a cellular infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and epithelioid cells. Among these many blood cells from proliferating vascular endothelium. Your diagnosis: ~Banal inflammation ~Tuberculosis =Syphilis ~Leprosy ~Angioma} {The autopsy of the deceased male of 40 years old , who worked in the coal mine for 20 years, in the mucosa of the larynx, trachea revealed atrophy and sclerosis. Easily increased, dense, have a large number of nodes rounded, oval or irregularly shaped. Your diagnosis: ~Tuberculosis ~Silicosis =Anthracosis ~Sclerosis ~Emphysema} {Histological examination of the tissues of the dead 40 year old man in the lungs revealed granuloma composed of epithelioid cells and lymphocytes with a mixture of macrophages and plasma cells. Between them there are giant cells with horseshoe-shaped cores. Your diagnosis: ~Banal inflammation =Tuberculosis ~Syphilis ~Leprosy ~Scleroma} {A 46 year old Patient complained of shortness of breath nose. The thickened nasal mucosa biopsy found Mikulicz cells, clusters of epithelioid cells, plasma cells, lymphocytes, hyaline balls. Your diagnosis? =Scleroma ~Allergic rhinitis ~Meningococcal nasopharyngitis ~Rhinovirus infection ~Adenoviral rhinitis} {The patient, who died of heart failure at the post mortem examination revealed: mitral valve are deformed, thickened, fused at the edges; in the connective tissue of the myocardium - is diffusely scattered components, which are formed from the foci of fibrinoid necrosis, which congregate around makrofagotsity that resemble giant multinucleated cells. These pockets are surrounded by lymphocytes and plasma cells singles. Which of these granulomas occurs in this patient? ~Tuberculosis ~Syphilitic ~Leprosum =Rheumatic ~Actinomicotic} {Microscopic examination of renal biopsy found lesions, which are located in the center of granular eosinophilic mass, surrounded by an infiltrate of lymphocytes, epithelioid cells and single Pirogov-Langhans cells. Select a pathological process that best meets the specified changes: ~Coagulation necrosis ~Alterative inflammation ~Proliferation and differentiation of macrophages =Granulomatous inflammation ~Caseous necrosis} {At autopsy found dead: expressed productive reaction to form granulomas, vasculitis, degeneration, atrophy and sclerosis of parenchymal organs. Granulomas are composed of epithelioid and giant cell type Pirogov-Langhans with an admixture of plasma cells, and eosinophils. The cells are placed randomly, in the center of granuloma necrosis not expressed. Diagnose the disease. ~Brucellosis ~Tuberculosis =Syphilis ~Leprosy ~Scleroma} {Microscopic examination of the papillary formations, deleted during the operation from the mucous membrane of the large intestine, it is established that they are growths glandular epithelium with the underlying connective tissue basis. These formations are called: ~Warts =Polyps ~Keloids ~Granuloma ~Papilloma}