:: Nomenclature and morphological features of tumors of the nervous tissue. Especially tumors of the central nervous system :: {In the auditory nerve of a young woman was found a tumor in a host to 3 cm in diameter, soft-elastic, pink and white uniform. Microscopically, the tumor is a bundles of cells with oval or curved cores. Cell-fiber bundles tend to generate rhythmic structure as a palisade structures formed parallel rows properly oriented cells arranged in a stockade, between which there is homogeneous area without cells. These structures are called "bull inspections." Your diagnosis: =Schwannoma (neuroma) ~Malignant nevrilemoma ~Ganglioneuroma ~Neuroblastoma ~Ganglioneyroblastoma} {In the chest cavity of a young man was revealed a tumor in the form of several sites (multicentric growth) soft-elastic consistency, the cut yellowish-pink-white color with large foci of hemorrhage, necrosis, presence of cystic cavities. Microscopic - pronounced polymorphism. Characterized cells with oval and elongated nuclei that arranged randomly or form beams as palisades. There are multi symplasts, some foam cells. Your diagnosis: ~Neuroma (schwannoma) =Malignant neuroma ~Ganglioneuroma ~Neuroblastoma ~Ganglioneyroblastoma} {There was a tumor found in the retroperitoneal space of a young woman • lobular unit, clearly separated from the surrounding tissue. Microscopic cells are characterized by the type of ganglion, which are located among the bundles of loose fibrous connective tissue and nerve fibers. Your diagnosis: ~Neuroma (schwannoma) ~Malignant neuroma =Anglionevroma ~Neuroblastoma ~Ganglioneyroblastoma} {A 22 year old man has revealed a tumor in the adrenal gland, which has a view of a, sometimes with infiltrative growth, soft consistency, yellow color, with large areas of necrosis and hemorrhages. Besides revealed liver metastases (Pepper) and the orbit of the eye (Hutchinson). Microscopically, the tumor consists of two types of cells. One: small, such simpatogony, round, with a narrow rim of cytoplasm and small oval nucleus ("bare core"), in which the chromatin is in the form of grains. Others, such as simpatoblastov, large, with a bright core and plenty of cytoplasm. Tumor cells tend to form true and false outlets in the form of the corolla of the cells in the center of which is detected gently fibrillar substance Your diagnosis: ~Neuroma (schwannoma) ~Malignant neuroma ~Ganglioneuroma =Neuroblastoma ~Ganglioneyroblastoma} {A 7 year old child had revealed a tumor in the neck in the form of soft-elastic unit, clearly separated from the surrounding tissue to the presence of marked secondary changes in the form mucilaginized, and necrosis. The tissue tumors are small cysts. Smears polymorphic. The tumor is composed of immature neurocyte varying degrees of differentiation from simpatogony and simpatoblastov and ending with highly differentiated ganglion cells. Many active mitosis. Your diagnosis: ~Neuroma (schwannoma) ~Malignant neuroma ~Ganglioneuroma =Neuroblastoma ~Ganglioneyroblastoma} {A 7 year old boy had removed the tumor, which was located in the cerebellum, the midline. Histologically, the tumor is represented in more cellular structures that have poor whisk cytoplasm hyperchromic nucleus, showing mitotic activity. Cells and tend to form "rosettes". These properties are characteristic: =Meduloblastomy ~Astrocytomas ~Oligodendrogliomas ~Multiforme spongioblastom ~Bipolar spongiosis} {The 21 year old patient had removed a tumor of the frontal lobe of the right hemisphere of the brain with a diameter of 5 cm, which was clearly separated from the surrounding tissue. In the section - a homogeneous appearance, histology - consists of a star-shaped cells, numerous processes which form dense plexus. What the tumor occurred in a patient? ~Oligodendroglioma ~Ependimoma ~Choroid plexus papilloma =Astrocytoma ~Ganglioneuroma} {The patient during neurosurgical operation was removed the tumor - node ekstraventrikulyarny with cysts and foci of necrosis. Histological examination revealed accumulation of uni- and bipolar cells located around blood vessels and cavities lined with epithelium. Your diagnosis: ~Ganglioneuroma =Epindimoblastoma ~Choroid papiloma ~Horioidcarcinoma ~Glioblastoma} {The 24 year old patient after surgery appendectomy for acute appendicitis (histopathological conclusion - phlegmonous appendicitis) never regained consciousness. Within 1 month he was on artificial lung venting his condition worsened, and on the background of the coma occurred; In a study of brain death in the subcortical area of the left parietal lobe discovered one-cavity diameter of 4x5x6 cm, without liquid. The wall of the cyst 1-2mm, gray-white color, with no clear boundaries, microscopically: composed of parallel bundles of glial fibers between which there are different-sized cells with appendages that resemble astrocytes. Your diagnosis: ~Glial scar =Astrocytoma ~Astroblastoma ~Oligodendroglioma ~Glioblastoma} {A 39 year old woman had removed the tumor, which had a view of a pink-gray. Localized in the frontal region and had up to 3 cm in diameter. Microscopically presented monomorphic small cell with round nuclei located in the cytoplasm of light. Observed place lime deposits. Your diagnosis: ~Astrocytoma ~Astroblastoma =Oligodendroglioma ~Epindimoma ~Meningioma}