:: Diseases of the endocrine system :: A Patient of 50 year complains of thirst, drinks a lot of water, produce a lot of urine (6-8 liters per day). The blood glucose of 4.8 mmol/l, urine glucose and ketone bodies no. Which gland Insufficient function may be the cause of these clinical changes? { ~ Pancreatic ~ Thyroid ~ Anterior Pituitary ~ Parathyroid = The neurohypophysis } The young man had excessive level of growth hormone, increase in size of the nose, lips, ears, lower jaw, hands and feet. The most probable your diagnosis: { ~ Adiposogenital dystrophy = Acromegaly ~ Itsenko-Kushing’s disease ~ Pituitary dwarfism ~ Addison's disease } The patient had an enlargement of the thyroid gland in 2 times. Palpation of gland revealed iron density and uneven nodular surface. Histological examination - diffuse infiltration of thyroid tissue by lymphocytes, plasma cells with formation of follicles and increased growth of connective tissue. What disease occurs in a patient? { ~ Endemic goiter ~ Diffuse toxic goiter ~ Riedel’s Goiter = Goiter Hashimoto ~ Sporadic goiter } The Histological examination of the thyroid gland was done during a surgical operation. The destruction and atrophy of the follicles were discovered. Diffuse lymphocytic infiltration with formation of lymphoid follicles in the stroma. Which group of diseases include this thyroiditis? { ~ Caused by physical factors ~ Bacterial = Autoimmune ~ Infectious-allergic ~ Viral } Patient, a man of 42 years revealed a significant increase in the size of the nose, ears, lower jaw and feet. What disease can be suspected? { ~ Cerebral cachexia ~ Adiposogenital dystrophy ~ Gigantism ~ Dwarfism = Acromegaly } The patient has higher levels of blood glucose; sugar present in urine. With biopsy of the kidney was detected: extension mesangium with focal accumulation membrane-like substances with periglomerular sclerosis of some glomeruli, hyalinosis and plasma saturation of arterioles, lymfohistiocytic infiltration of stroma with same polymorphonuclear leukocytes; glycogenic infiltration of nephrocytes in narrow segment. What is the most likely diagnosis? { ~ Pyelonephritis ~ Acute glomerulonephritis ~ Chronic glomerulonephritis = Diabetic glomerulosclerosis ~ Subacute glomerulonephritis } In a patient with upper type of long-term obesity was observed arterial hypertension, hyperglycemia, and glucosuria. Death was caused by bleeding in the brain. Pathological study revealed the basophilic pituitary adenoma and hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. What is the most likely diagnosis? { ~ Diabetes mellitus ~ Acromegaly ~ Pituitary dwarfism = The disease of Cushing ~ Adiposogenital dystrophy } At autopsy of the body of a woman 40 years, who died of cerebral haemorrhage during a hypertensive crisis, found obesity of upper type, hypertrichosis and hirsutism, skin striae thighs and abdomen. In the anterior lobe of the pituitary basophilic adenoma. Which of the following diagnoses is most likely? { ~ Simmonds's Disease ~ Cerebral obesity ~ Alimentary obesity = The Disease Of Cushing ~ Hypertension } On examination, the patient of 32 years, noted the disproportion of size of the skeleton, the increase of brow, nose, lip, tongue, jaw bones stopped. Which gland’s function was violated ? { ~ Thyroid ~ Pancreatic = The pituitary gland ~ Adrenal ~ Epiphysis } The patient concerned polyuria (7 liters per day) and polydipsia. The survey did not reveal any disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Dysfunction of which endocrine gland may be the cause of data breaches? { = The neurohypophysis ~ Adenohypophysis ~ The adrenal cortex ~ Adrenal medulla ~ Pancreatic