:: Diseases of liver, biliary system and pancreas :: The patient was found ascites, twice enlarged spleen, varicose veins of the esophagus and rectum. Histological examination of the biopsy of the liver showed micronodular cirrhosis. What pathological process was complicated by cirrhosis of the liver? { ~ Pulmonary heart = the Syndrome of portal hypertension ~ Hepato - lanolini syndrome ~ Heart failure ~ Hepatocellular insufficiency } The deceased, who in his lifetime received numerous injections of drugs in the liver histologically found hydropic dystrophy of hepatocytes, "waxy hepatocytes", acidophilus Councilmen’s bodies, macrophagial-lymphocytic infiltration in the portal tracts. The most likely etiology of the disease is: { ~ Toxic ~ Bacterial = Viral ~ Parasitic ~ Fungal } Macroscopically, the liver is increased in size, dense, greyish-yellow colour, with a greasy appearance of the cut surface. What pathological process is at the base of these changes? { ~ Hyalinosis ~ Mucoid swelling ~ Hemachromatosis = Amyloidosis ~ Fatty degeneration } The autopsy of 45 years old woman, who died from chronic alcohol intoxication, revealed a sharp increased liver, paste-like in consistency, yellowish. Microscopically: cytoplasm of hepatocytes when stained with hematoxylin and eosin contained different sizes optically empty vacuoles. What type of dystrophy is? { ~ Hyaline - drop ~ Carbohydrate parenchymatous = Parenchymatous fatty ~ Mesenchymal adipose ~ Hydropic } Male 59 years old with signs of parenchymatous jaundice and portal hypertension. Histological examination of liver biopsy was found: typical structural architectonics of classic lobules is broken, a portion of the hepatocytes has signs of fatty degeneration, the formation of porto-portal connective tissue septa with formation of pseudolobules, with the presence of peri-portal lymph macrophagic infiltrates. Diagnose liver disease? { ~ Alcoholic hepatitis ~ Viral hepatitis ~ Toxic disrobe = Cirrhosis ~ Chronic hepatotoxicity } The liver biopsy of a patient with clinic of hepatocellular insufficiency detected vacuolar, balloon degeneration of hepatocytes, necrosis of individual cells, Councilmen's bodies, infiltration of portal and lobular stroma predominantly lymphocytes and macrophages with a small number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. What is the most likely diagnosis? { = Acute viral hepatitis ~ Chronic persistent hepatitis ~ Autoimmune hepatitis ~ Chronic active hepatitis ~ Alcoholic hepatitis } A needle biopsy of the liver showed degeneration of hepatocytes with necrosis, and sclerosis with impaired typical lobular structure, with the formation of false lobules and regenerative nodes. Choose the most likely diagnosis is: { ~ Progressive massive hepatic necrosis ~ Chronic hepatitis ~ Chronic hepatotoxicity ~ Acute hepatitis = Cirrhosis } A 38 years old patient with severe jaundice had small hemorrhages in the skin, general weakness and loss of appetite. A liver biopsy was performed. Histological examination of it revealed widespread degeneration, necrosis of hepatocytes, and presence of Councilmen's bodies. On the periphery of the lobules significant infiltration of lymphocytes, some multinucleated hepatocytes was found. What is the most likely diagnosis? { = Acute viral hepatitis ~ Acute alcoholic hepatitis ~ Toxic degeneration of the liver ~ Chronic hepatitis ~ Miliary cirrhosis } When the autopsy of a man who for a long time abused alcohol was detected: liver of small size, dense, nodular. Microscopically: small pseudolobules, separated by narrow layers of connective tissue with lympho-macrophagic infiltration; hepatocytes in the state of globular fatty degeneration. What is the most likely diagnosis? { = Alcoholic cirrhosis ~ Alcoholic chronic persistent hepatitis ~ Steatosis ~ Chronic active alcoholic hepatitis ~ Toxic degeneration of the liver } The patient was admitted with complaints of diarrhoea disorders, melena, hemorrhoids bleeding. The examination revealed increased in size of abdomen, dilation of the venous vessels network of the abdomen anterior wall. What pathology has such symptoms? { ~ Enteritis ~ Peptic ulcer disease ~ Intestinal autointoxication = Portal hypertension ~ Toxic degeneration of the liver }