::TESTS FOR THE TOPIC: Subject and goals of pathomorphology. Methods of pathomorphologic investigation. Main stages of development of pathomorphology. Morphology of reversible and irreversible damage of cells and tissues. Intracellular accumulation of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates.:: { TEST TASK ¹ 1 On section of a 49 years old man who was brought to the hospital with symptoms of hepatotrophic intoxication and died suddenly, the liver is enlarged, flabby, of yellowish-brown color, with droplets of fat on cut and on the blade. Microscopically the hepatocytes on periphery of classic hepatic lobules contain multiple small droplets that fill the cytoplasm and push the nucleus to periphery. Which process is the most probable in the liver? = A. Lipid dystrophy of the liver ~ B. Sfingomyelinlipidosis (Nieman – Peek disease) ~ C. Generalized gangliosidosis (Norman – Landing disease) ~ D. Gangliosidlipidosis (Tay – Sachs disease) ~ E. Cerebrosidlipidosis (Gaucher disease) } { TEST TASK ¹ 2 During the stay at clinic dyphthery of the faux was diagnosed in a child. The child died of acute cardiac insufficiency. On section the cardiac cavities were found to be dilated transversally, the cardiac muscle was dull, flabby, mottled on cut, with yellowish spots. In the cytoplasm of some cardiomyocites there were small vacuoles, in frozen preparation the vacuoles were stained with Sudan III into orange color. Which type of dystrophy was found in cardiomyocites? ~ A. Carbohydrate ~ B. Hialine droplet ~ C. Hydropic = D. Lipid ~ E. Balloon } { TEST TASK ¹ 3 On section of the corpse of the woman who died on background of cardiac insufficiency the heart was enlarged, flabby, with yellowish dull myocardium, white-yellow stripes on endocardiac side (“tiger heart”). Microscopically in groups of cardiomyocites there are no transversal stripes, cytoplasm of cardiomyocites contains small droplets that are stained by Sudan IV into black color. Your diagnosis? ~ A. Rheumatic myocarditis ~ B. Cardiosclerosis = C. Fat dystrophy of myocardium ~ D. Obesity of the heart ~ E. Myomalation } { TEST TASK ¹ 4 In a 62 years old man who died on background of increasing cardiac insufficiency on section the heart was found to be enlarged. The heart had flabby consistence, with dilated chambers, dull yellowish myocardium. On endocardiac side there were yellow-white stripes which were especially well manifested in papillary muscles. Which pathological process is the most probable? ~ A. Cardiac obesity ~ B. Myomalations ~ C. Cardiosclerosis = D. Fat dystrophy of myocardium ~ E. Dilatation cardiomyopathy } { TEST TASK ¹ 5 In a woman who suffered from heavy intoxication caused by sepsis which lead to death on section “tiger heart” was found. Microscopically in the cytoplasm of cardiomyocites lipids were found. Which morphogenetic mechanism of development plays the major part in development of this dystrophy? ~ A. Sedimentation = B. Decomposition ~ C. Transformation ~ D. Infiltration ~ E. Perverted synthesis } { TEST TASK ¹ 6 In a man who died of chronic alcoholic intoxication on section the liver was found to be ischemic, sharply enlarged, of flabby consistence, yellow color. On staining of parafin preparations with hematoxilin and eosin in the cytoplasm of hepatocites were found optically empty vacuoles of various size. Which dystrophy is this? ~ À. carbohydrate parenchymal, ~ Â. hialine droplet, ~ Ñ. mesenchimal fat, = D. parenchymal fat, ~ Å. hydropic. } { TEST TASK ¹ 7 In a man with extremely heavy intoxication caused by sepsis that led to death on section “tiger heart” was found. During histochemical investigation lipids were found in the cytoplasm of myocardiocites. What is the most probable mechanism of development of this dystrophy? = À. decomposition, ~ Â. infiltration, ~ Ñ. transformation, ~ D. perverted synthesis, ~ Å. pathological secretion and accumulation of secreted substance } { TEST TASK ¹ 8 In the mucous membrane of a man’s oral cavity a whitish spot (leucoplakia) was found. During electronic microscopic investigation in the cytoplasm of the cells the quantity of threadlike ultrastructures (tonofibrill), up to 10 nm in thickness and formed by keratine, was drastically increased. In several locations many of these ultrastructures transformed into keratohialine. For which type of parenchymal dystrophy is this typical? ~ À. lipid, ~ Â. carbohydrate, ~ Ñ. hialine droplet, = D. cornual, ~ Å. hydropic } { TEST TASK ¹ 9 A woman after transfusion of blood of different group suddenly felt chill, herpetic discharge formed on the lips. Microscopically in majority of epidermal cells large vacuoles were found with displacement of the nucleus to the periphery and picnosis. Which is the heaviest kind of parenchimal dystrophy that was found in the epidermis of the lips? ~ À. fat, ~ Â. carbohydrate, = Ñ. balloon, ~ D. hydropic (vacuole), ~ Å. hialine droplet } { TEST TASK ¹10 Woman died after suffering from anemia during 10 years. In the nephrocites of renal canals microscopically was found accumulation of large granules of protein of bright pink color. During electronic microscopic investigation destruction of mitochondria, endoplasmatic reticulum, brushlike border was found. Microscopic picture in the kidneys is the manifestation of: ~ À. parenchymal fat dystrophy, ~ Â. parenchymal carbohydrate dystrophy, ~ Ñ. balloon dystrophy, ~ D. hydropic (vacuole) dystrophy, = Å. hyaline droplet dystrophy. } ::TESTS FOR THE TOPIC: Morphology of reversible and irreversible damage of cells and tissues. Extracellular accumulation of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates:: { TEST TASK ¹1 A 19 years old man since early childhood had suffered from bronchoectatic disease and died of renal insufficiency. On section, besides multiple bronchoectatic caverns filled with purulent exudate, the kidneys were found to be enlarged, of dense consistence, with thickened cortical layer, strictly bordered pyramids, the kidneys were anemic. Name the process that had developed in the? ~ A. Congenital cystosis of the kidneys ~ B. Secondary nephrosclerosis ~ C. Glomerulonephritis ~ D. Chronic pyelonephritis = E. Secondary amyloidosis } { TEST TASK ¹2 On section of a 58 years old man the mitral valve was deformed, thickened, with incomplete closure. Microscopically the foci of collagenous fibers were eosinophilic, with positive fibrin reaction. This is probably: ~ A. Hialinosis ~ B. Amyloidosis ~ C. Fibrinous inflammation ~ D. Mucoid swelling = E. Fibrinoid swelling } { TEST TASK ¹3 The 66 years old patient had survived peritonitis 10 years before his death. On section the capsule of the liver and spleen is sharply thickened, dense, semitransparent. This is probably: = A. Hialinosis ~ B. Mucoid swelling ~ C. Amyloidosis ~ D. Fibrinoid swelling ~ E. Necrosis } { TEST TASK ¹4 A 32 years old woman had suffered from infection allergic vasculitis for several months. She died of brain hemorrhage. The vascular wall of microcirculatory vessels was significantly thickened, homogenous, eosinophilic, sharply PAS-positive, with narrowed lumen. On staining with toluidine blue there is no metachromasia. Fibrin reaction is positive. This microscopis picture proves the acute stage of the process and the presence of: ~ A. mucoid swelling = B. fibrinoid swelling ~ C. sclerosis (fibrosis) ~ D. hialinosis ~ E. amyloidosis } { TEST TASK ¹5 A man had suffered from diabetes mellitus for a long time. He died of brain hemorrhage. Macroscopically the small vessels of the brain look like thickened glass-like tubules of cartilage consistence. Microscopically the arteriole wall looks homogenous, eosinophilic, sharply PAS-positive. These vessels were stained with metilviolet and iodgrun correspondingly into purple and green color. This microscopic picture is the proof of presence of: ~ A. amyloid ~ B. simple hialine = C. Ëèïîãèàëèíà ~ D. complex hialine ~ E. hialine droplet dystrophy } { TEST TASK ¹6 On section of the corpse of the 70 years old woman with clinical diagnosis “stomach cancer” cachexy (sharp exhaustion) was found. Subcutaneus fat tissue if thinned; intermuscular fibrous connective tissue and stroma of the organs is replace with slime-like mass that contains a large amount of glicoproteids. These morphological changes are typical for: ~ A. mucoid swelling ~ B. lipidosis ~ C. lipohialinosis = D. carbohydrate dystrophy ~ Å. fibronoid swelling } { TEST TASK ¹7 A young man who suffers from general obesity has excess body mass of 30%. Which stage of obesity has developed in this case? ~ A. 1st stage = B. 2nd stage ~ C. 3rd stage ~ D. 4th stage ~ E. Norm } { TEST TASK ¹8 In a man who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis during microscopic investigation of biopsy material of capsule of knee joint there was a zone where the bundles of colagenous fibers looked homogenous, eosinophilic, sharply PAS-positive. Metachromasia on staining with toluidine blue is absent. Fibrin staining is positive. This microscopic picture proves the presence of: ~ A. mucoid swelling = B. fibrinoid swelling ~ C. sclerosis (fibrosis) ~ D. hialinosis ~ Å. amyloidosis } { TEST TASK ¹9 In a 45 years old man with stenosis of mitral valve (of rheumatic etiology) biopsy of the tissue of left atrium was taken in cardiosurgical department. Microscopically there were zones in which collagen fibers kept bundle structure but looked swollen, thickened, slightly basophilic (stained with hematoxilin and eosin), which proves the acute stage of the process and presence of mucoid swelling. Which additional histochemical staining of the preparation is required to prove the diagnosis? ~ A. staining with Sudan ²²² ~ B. staining with Congo Rot = C. staining with Toluidine Blue ~ D. PAS reaction ~ Å. glicogen staining } { TEST TASK ¹10 In a 34 years old patient who suffers from Icenko – Cushing disease accumulation of fat in the face (lunar face) and torso was found. What is the name of this type of obesity. ~ A. universal obesity ~ B. symmetric obesity = C. upper type obesity ~ D. medium type obesity ~ Å. lower type obesity } ::TESTS FOR TOPIC: Impairment of metabolism. Morphology of pathologic accumulation of endogenous and exogenous pigments. Morphology of impairment of mineral metabolism.:: { TEST TASK ¹1 In tiphoid fever necrotized Peier’s patches of the small intestine are stained into yellow-brown color. Which pigment imbibes the necrotized tissue? ~ À. Melanin = B. Bilirubin ~ C. Lipofuscin ~ D. Hemoglobin ~ E. Indol } { TEST TASK ¹2 In a patient with disease of mitral valve developed cough with sputum of rusty color. Which pigment caused the color of sputum? = A. Hemosiderin ~ B. Hemoglobin ~ C. Ferrous sulphide ~ D. Hemomelanin ~ E. Melanin } { TEST TASK ¹3 In a patient with ulcerous disease of the stomach with bleeding during endoscopy of the stomach coffee-colored liquid was found. Which pigment caused the color of the content of the stomach? ~ A. Hemosiderin ~ B. Ferritin ~ C. Porfirin = D. Hidrochloric hematin ~ E. Bilirubin } { TEST TASK ¹4 A patient who suffered from secondary syphilis developed foci of skin depigmentation in upper areas of the back. Name the pathologic process in the skin. ~ A. Dysplasia ~ B. Parakeratosis ~ C. Metaplasia ~ D. Leukoplakia = E. Leukoderma } { TEST TASK ¹5 In a patient with acute peptic ulcer of the stomach complicated by bleeding the vomiting masses had dark-brown “coffee grounds” color. Presence of which pigment in the vomiting masses caused such color? = A. Hidrochloric hematin ~ B. Bilirubin ~ C. Ferrous sulphide ~ D. Hemomelanin ~ E. Hemoglobin } { TEST TASK ¹6 A 70 years old man addressed the hospital with complaints of pain in small joints of arms and legs. The joints were deformed, painful. Increased level of uric solts in the blood and urine was found. Impaired metabolism of which substances took place? ~ A. Potassium. = B. Nucleoproteids ~ C. Chromoproteids ~ D. Calcium ~ E. Lipoproteids } { TEST TASK ¹7 On section of the corpse of a man who had died from chroniosepsis atrophy of the skeletal muscles, brown atrophy of the myocardium, liver were found. Impaired metabolism of which pigment was found in the deceased? ~ A. melanin = B. lipofuscin ~ C. hemosiderin ~ D. lipochrome ~ E. hemomelanin } { TEST TASK ¹8 A man had suffered from hemoblastosis for a long time. On section the bone marrow, spleen, liver, lymphatic nodes had brown color. Pearls’s histochemical reaction was performed. Reticular, endothelial and histiocytal elements of these organs had granules of blue color in them. Which pigment was found using this reaction? ~ A. Bilirubin ~ B. Hematoidin ~ C. Hematoporfirin = D. Hemosiderin ~ E. Hematoidin } { TEST TASK ¹9 In the sputum of the patient with disease of mitral valve cells containing brown bigment were found. Pearls’s reaction was positive. Which pigment was it? = A. Hemosiderin ~ B. Melanin ~ C. Bilirubin ~ D. Porfirin ~ E. Hematoidin } { TEST TASK ¹ 10 A 56 years old woman suffered from cholelithiasis during 10 years. She was brought to surgical department with a strong pain attack in right subcostal area. Skin, mucous membranes and sclerae were sharply icteric. She complained of strong itching. During operation in the gallbladder were found multiple concrements of dark brown color. In this case the syndrome related to yellow color of the skin, mucous membranes and sclerae corresponds to: ~ A. Fat dystrophy of the liver ~ B. Prehepatic jaundice ~ C. Hepatic jaundice = D. Posthepatic jaundice ~ E. Heraditory hepatosis } ::TESTS FOR TOPIC: Pathomorphology of immune system, reactions and mechanisms of hypersensitivity.:: { TEST TASK ¹1 In a 10 years old child the Mantoux test (with tuberculin) was performed. In 48 hours in place of introduction of tuberculin a papule formed sized 8 mm in diameter. Reaction of which type of hypersensitivity developed after introduction of tuberculin? ~ À. Atopic reaction = B. Arthus’s reaction ~ C. Serum disease ~ D. Hypersensitivity of IV type (delayed hypersensitivity) ~ E. Anaphylaxis } { TEST TASK ¹2 In an 8 years old child in 2 weeks after acute respiratory disease developed edema of extremities, increased arterial pressure, “meat slop” urine. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis with nephritic syndrome was diagnosed. Which pathological process caused the pathology of kidneys? ~ À. Damage of renal canals by streptococcal toxins = B. Accumulation of immune complexes between basal membrane and endothelial cells of renal balls ~ C. Accumulations of immune complex in canals between basal membrane and epithelial cells ~ D. Development of autoantibodies against basal membrane ~ E. Toxic action of acetilsalicilic acid on the kidneys } { TEST TASK ¹3 30 years old patient addressed the doctor with complaints of rash, redness, swelling of the skin that developed after eating some products. Hives is: = À. Local manifestation of hypersensitivity of I type ~ B. Local manifestation of hypersensitivity of II type ~ C. Reaction of hypersensitivity of IV type ~ D. Systemic reaction of hypersensitivity of I type ~ E. Posthemotransfusion reaction } { TEST TASK ¹4 A patient developed Quincke’s edema after taking a tablet of analgin. The most dangerous complication of such edema is: ~ À. Spastic pains in stomach ~ B. Acute obstruction of respiratory tract = C. Asphyxia because of larynx edema ~ D. Hypersecretion of mucus ~ E. Cardiac insufficiency } { TASK TEST ¹5 An 8 years old child in 10 days after a case of tonsillitis developed nephritic syndrome, acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis was diagnosed. This reaction is a manifestation of hypersensitivity of III type, which is a result of: ~ À. Cytotoxicity of T-lymphocytes ~ B. Autoimmune damage ~ C. Antibody damage = D. Immune complex damage ~ E. Reaction of antibodies with antigens on cellular surface } { TEST TASK ¹6 In a patient with bronchial asthma a viral infection provoked asthmatic status with letal outcome. On histological investigation of the lungs spasm and edema of bronchioles were found, with significant infiltration of their walls with lymphocytes, eosinophils and other leucocytes, and degranulation of labrocytes. Which mechanism of hypersensitivity caused these changes? ~ A. Immunocomplex ~ B. Immune-caused cellular cytolysis ~ C. Hot ~ D. Autoimmune = E. Reagin reaction of hypersensitivity } { TEST TASK ¹7 A 43 years old man underwent kidney transplantation. Function of the transplant decreased progressively, and in a month transplantnephrectomy was performed. In microscopic investigation of the removed transplant acute vasculitis was found, necrosis of renal canals and lymphocytic infiltration of interstitial tissue. These changes are the result of: ~ À. Kidney atrophy ~ B. Cyclosporine nephrotoxicity ~ C. Reaction of acutest transplant rejection = D. Reaction of acute transplant rejection ~ E. Reaction of chronic transplant rejection. } { TEST TASK ¹8 The patient who suffered from extensive burns underwent transplantation of his own skin in order to close the defect, with the skin taken from surviving areas of the thigh. This type of transplantation is called: ~ À. Isotransplantation =B. Autotransplantation ~ C. Allotransplantation ~ D. Xenotransplantation ~ Å. Heterotransplantation } { TEST TASK ¹9 During investigation of biopsy material that was taken from a patient with autoimmune gastritis in the mucous membrane of the stomach was found lymphocytal and macrophagal infiltration. In lymphatic nodes widened T-dependent zones, proliferation of sensibilized lymphocytes in paracortical zones were found. These morphological changes prove development of: ~ À. Hypersensitivity of I (immediate) type ~ B. Hypersensitivity of II type ~ C. Hypersensitivity of III type = D. Hypersensitivity of IV (delayed) type ~ E. Hypersensitivity of Vtype } { TEST TASK ¹10 On section of the corpse of 10 months old child who died from heavy form of pneumonia complete absence of thymus was found, follicles in the spleen were significantly decreased in size, with absence of light centers; in lymphatic nodes there are no lymphoid follicles and cortical layers. The cause of these structural changes is: = A. Aplasia of thymus ~ B. Hypoplasia of thymus ~ C. Hyperplasia of thymus ~ D. Agenesia of thymus ~ E. Atrophy of thymus } ::TESTS FOR TOPIC: Autoimmune diseases. Immunodeficiency states.:: { TEST TASK ¹1 A 3 years old child with multiple malformation of the facial scull, with normal amount of immunoglobulins in the blood, died because of sepsis on background of bronchopneumonia. On section absence of thymus was found. Name the main reason of the child’s disease? = À. Syndrome of cellular immunodeficiency B. Syndrome of combined immunodeficiency C. Secondary immunodeficiency syndrome D. Acute lympholeukemia E. Syndrome of chronic intoxication } { TEST TASK ¹2 An 11 months old boy died on background of septicopyemia (complication of bilateral staphylococcus pneumonia). In the blood serum sharp decrease of amount of Ig was found. On morphological investigation there was untimely fat metamorphosis in the thymus with accumulation of fat in the cells of cortical layer of the lobes; lack of follicular and cortical zones in the lymphatic nodes and spleen. Cells of plasmatic row were nowhere to be found. Which immunodeficiency state caused this morphological picture? ~ À. Bruton syndrome = B. Heavy combined immunodeficiency ~ C.Syndrom of insufficiency of cellular immunity (DiGeorge syndrome) ~ D. Chronic granulomatous disease ~ E. AIDS } { TEST TASK ¹3 On section of a 5 days old newborn who had died suddenly on background of acute respiratory infection with signs of tetany were found absence of thymus, agenesia of parathyreoid glands, underdeveloped arch of the aorta, hypertelorism. Microscopically in the lymphatic nodes there were follicles with significant light centers. This microscopic picture is the manifestation of: = À. Thymus hypoplasia (DiGeorge syndrom) ~ B.Heavy combined immunodeficiency ~ C.Congenital agammaglobulinemia ~ D.Nezelof syndrome ~ E.HIV-infection } { TEST TASK ¹4 A 32 years old patient during 6 months had complained of joint pains, subfever, erythema of the skin, edemas. During laboratory investigation of the urine hypoproteinemia, dysproteinemia, proteinuria, hyperlipidemia were found. The patient was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. This disease belongs to the following group of immune diseases: ~ À. Autoimmune diseases of intermediate type ~ B. Acquired immunodeficiency syndromes ~ C. Congenital immunodeficiency syndromes = D. Non-organspecific autoimmune diseases ~ E. Organspecific autoimmune diseases } { TEST TASK ¹5 A 2 years old patient died of bronchopneumonia complications. Immunologocal analysis showed normal level of immunoglobulins. T-lymphocytes are not found. On section thymus and parathyroid glands are absent. Name the syndrome: ~ À. Bruton ~ B.West = C.DiGeorge ~ D.Louis - Bar ~ E.Nezelof } { TEST TASK ¹6 During intraoperational biopsy of the thyroid gland foci of sclerosis and diffuse infiltration of the gland with lymphoid elements, plasmatic and reticular cells were found. The diagnosis was Hashimoto’s goiter. To which group of autoimmune diseases does it belong? = À. Organspecific autoimmune disease ~ B. Non-organspecific autoimmune disease ~ C.Autoimmune disease of intermediate type ~ D.Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ~ E. Congenital immunodeficiency syndrome } { TEST TASK ¹7 During histological investigation of the mitral valve mucoid swelling, damaged epithelium, formation of thrombi on the closing margin of the valve were found. The diagnosis was rheumatic fever. Ïðè ãèñòîëîãè÷åñêîì èññëåäîâàíèè ñòâîðêè ìèòðàëüíîãî êëàïàíà âûÿâëåíî: ìóêîèäíûé îòåê, ïîâðåæäåíèå ýíäîòåëèÿ, îáðàçîâàíèå òðîìáîâ ïî çàìûêàþùåìó êðàþ êëàïàíà. Âûñòàâëåí äèàãíîç: ðåâìàòèçì. To which group of autoimmune diseases does it belong? ~ À. Organspecific autoimmune disease ~ B. Non-organspecific autoimmune disease ~ C.Immunodeficiency = D. Autoimmune disease of intermediate type ~ E.Combined immunodeficiency } { TEST TASK ¹8 A 1 year old boy was diagnosed with furuncle on his forearm. Mother told that the child often had small abscesses on the skin since the age of 6 months. Clinical investigation showed decreased level of immunoglobulins of all classes. In the biopsy of lymphatic node there were no reactive follicles and plasmatic cells. Which disease does the child have? ~ À. Acute leukemia = B.Bruton syndrome ~ C.DiGeorge syndrome ~ D.Nezelof syndrome ~ E.Combined immunodeficiency } { TEST TASK ¹9 On section of a 1,5 years old child who died on background of sepsis caused by prolonged pneumonia, with delayed physical development, combined heart failure, hypoplasia of thymus and peripheral lymphoid tissue. For which immunodeficiency syndrome are these changes typical? ~ À. Combined immunodeficiency syndrome = B. Cellular immunodeficiency syndrome ~ C. Humoral immunodeficiency syndrome ~ D.West syndrome ~ E. DiGeorge syndrome } { TEST TASK ¹10 On investigation of an 11 months old boy who suffered from recurring bronchopneumonia hypoplasia of thymus and peripheral lymphoid tissue with dysgammaglobulinemia were found. These changes are typical for: ~ À. Hypoplasia of thymus = B. Nezelof syndrome ~ C. Bruton syndrome ~ D. West syndrome ~ E.Secondary immunodeficiency } ::TESTS FOR TOPIC: Processes of adaptation and compensation.:: { TEST TASK ¹1 Patient who sufferd from chronic obstructive lung emphysema died of cardio-pulmonary insufficiency. Which changes can be found in the heart? ~ A. Large focus cardiosclerosis ~ B. Rupture of the heart ~ C. Hypertrophy of the left cardiac ventricle ~ D. Amyloidosis = E. Hypertrophy of the right cardiac ventricle } { TEST TASK ¹2 During histological investigation of the material taken from uterine cavity in 45 years old woman with impairment of ovarial menstrual cycle increased amount of endometrial glands were found, some of them sinuous, some cystously dilated. Diagnose the disease. ~ A. Atypic hyperplasia of endometrium ~ B. Placental polyp = C. Glandular cystous hyperplasia of endometrium ~ D. Glandular polyp of endometrium ~ E. Adenocarcinoma of endometrium } { TEST TASK ¹3 A teenager complains of thinning muscles and decreased volume of shin that developed after fracture of the femur that did not heal for a long time without damage to the nerves. How is this atrophy of the muscles called? = A. Dysfunctional ~ B. Caused by lack of blood supply ~ C. Caused by physical factors ~ D. Caused by compression ~ E. Neurotic } { TEST TASK ¹4 On section of the corpse of the 86 years old woman who suffered from atherosclerosis of the brain vessels atrophy of the brain cortex was found. How is this atrophy called according to reason? ~ A. Dysfunctional = B. Caused by lack of blood supply ~ C. Caused by physical and chemical factors ~ D. Caused by compression ~ E. Neurotic } { TEST TASK ¹5 In a young woman salpinx was removed because of sharp pains in iliac area. The salpinx had a dilatation in medium 3rd filled with blood. Histologically in the lumen of the salpinx villi of chorion, large fields of erythrocytes with infiltration of lymphocytes were found. Your diagnosis: ~ A. Purulent salpingitis = B. Tubal pregnancy ~ C. Hemorrhage into salpinx ~ D. Acute purulent salpingitis ~ E. Hemorrhagic salpingitis } { TEST TASK ¹6 In a 12 years old child suffering from poliomyelitis the skeletal muscles are weak, with decreased volume, the skin is dry and pale. Morphologically in the bioptate of soft tissues typical morphologic changes were found. What was the character of the pathologic process in the soft tissues? ~ A. Metaplasia ~ B. Hypoplasia ~ C. Hypertrophy ~ D. Hyperplasia =E. Atrophy } { TEST TASK ¹7 A patient who had for a long time smoked large amounts of tabacco developed cough with discharge of sticky mucus, weakness after light physical activity, paleness of skin covers, loss of weight during last 2 months (12 kg). Endoscopic investigation of bioptate revealed squamous cell carcinoma. Name the character of the pathologic process that preceded the development of the tumor. ~ A. Necrosis ~ B. Sclerosis ~ C. Hypoplasia ~ D. Hyperplasia = E. Metaplasia } { TEST TASK ¹8 A 38 years old man died while trying to lift weight. Collaptoid state developed. On autopsy rupture of large aneurysm of thoracic part of aorta was found. During life the man had suffered from visceral syphilis. Which pathological process had caused decrease of durability of aortal wall, its dilatation and rupture? ~ A. Atrophy of muscular layer ~ B. Disappearence of collagen fibers = C. Disappearence of elastic fibers ~ D. Changes in the intima of “shagreen skin” type ~ E. Vessel neoplasia } { TEST TASK ¹9 During histological investigation of skin bioptate in a 24 years old patient caseous necrosis was found, surrounded by cellular infiltration of lymphocytes, among which there are occasional giant cells, with overgrowth of connective tissue, endovasculitis. What is the character of pathologic process? ~ A. Ichorous inflammation = B. Productive granulomatous inflammation ~ C. Abscess ~ D. Productive interstitial inflammation ~ E. Catarrhal inflammation } { TEST TASK ¹10 In a patient who suffered from chronic cystitis the biopsy of mucous membrane with transitional epithelium there were foci of multilayered squamous non-keratinous epithelium. Which process caused these changes in the epithelium? ~ A. Hyperkeratosis = B. Metaplasia ~ C. Hyperplasia ~ D. Dystrophy ~ E.Dysplasia } ::TESTS FOR TOPIC: Nomenclature and morphologic peculiarities of tumors from epithelium.:: { TEST TASK ¹1 During histological investigation of skin neoplasm it was found that the parenchyma was formed from squamous epithelium with increased amount of layers. The stroma with overgrowing epithelium forms papillae. Name the type of atypism. ~ A. Metabolic. = B. Tissue ~ C. Histochemical ~ D. Cellular ~ E. Functional } { TEST TASK ¹2 During microscopic investigation of bioptate from large intestine a tumor from prismatic epithelium was found, forming atypical glandular structures of various shape and size. The cells are polychromic, with hyperchromic nuclei, pathologic mitosis. The basal membrane of the glands is destroyed. Your diagnosis? ~ A. Solid cancer ~ B. Basal cell cancer = C. Adenocarcinoma ~ D. Mucous cancer ~ E. Nondifferentiated cancer } { TEST TASK ¹3 During histological investigation of preparation of mucous membrane of the uterus in a 54 years old patient with clinical diagnosis “impaired ovarial menstrual cycle” the pathologist found overgrowth of atypical glandular structures that were made by cells hyperchromic nuclei, figures of mitosis, atypism. Atypical glandular structures grow into myometrium. For which pathological process are these microscopic changes typical? ~ A. Chorionepithelioma of the uterus = B. Adenocarcinoma of the uterus ~ C. Acute endometritis ~ D. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium ~ E. Placental polyp } { TEST TASK ¹4 A patient complained of coarse voice. During laryngoscopy a tumor of the larynx was found of greyish-white color with papillary surface. Microscopically there is an overgrowth of connective tissue covered with multilayered squamous epithelium with increased keratinization without cellular atypism. This is probably: ~ A. Angioma ~ B. Angiofibroma ~ C. Fibroma ~ D. Polyp = E. Papilloma } { TEST TASK ¹5 During microscopic investigation of bronchobiopsy tumor was found that was built of nest-like groups of atypic cells of multilayered squamous epithelium with typical “pearls”. Your diagnosis? ~ A. Scirrhus = B. Squamous cell carcinoma with keratinization ~ C. Solid cancer ~ D. Squamous cell carcinoma without keratinization ~ E. Mucous cancer } { TEST TASK ¹6 In a patient a neoplasm of the skin was removed that looked like a node with papillary surface similar to cauliflower, of dense consistence. Microscopically the tumor is made of multiple papillae. Parenchyma is formed of squamous epithelium with increased quantity of layers. Polarity of cells, stratification, basal membrane are preserved. The stroma of the tumor lies in center of papillae. Your diagnosis? ~ A. Fibroma ~ B. Fibroadenoma ~ C. Cystoadenoma = D. Papilloma ~ E. Adenoma } { TASK TEST ¹7 In the skin of the patient’s face a plaque with necrosis and ulcer in the center developed gradually. Histological investigation of the bioptate revealed overgrowth of atypic epithelial cells with large amount of pathological mitosis. Which is the most probable diagnosis? ~ A. Papilloma ~ B. Sarcoma = C. Skin cancer ~ D. Trophic ulcer ~ E. Fibroma } { TEST TASK ¹8 During microscopic investigation of the surgically removed tumor of the lung its parenchyma was found to be made of epithelial complexes that grow into underlying tissues and destroy them. The cells are flat and polygonal. Epithelial complexes are surrounded by the stroma which is represented by fibrous connective tissue with unevenly spread blood vessels. There is no tendency towards maturing and keratinization of tumor cells. There are multiple mitosis figures, including pathological. Your diagnosis: ~ A. Squamous keratinizing cancer = B. Squamous non-keratinizing cancer ~ C. Basal cell cancer ~ D. Non-differentiated cancer ~ E. Transitional cell cancer } { TASK TEST ¹9 In a 45 years old woman ultrasound investigation revealed a tumor of the ovary. Operation was performed. Macroscopically the neoplasm looked like a cyst up to 15 cm in diameter. Microscopically the capsule of the tumor is represented by dense fibrous connective tissue. The internal wall is covered by one-layered cuboidal epithelium, squamous in some places. Your diagnosis: ~ A.Fibroma ~ B. Papilloma ~ C. Adenoma ~ D. Fibroadenoma = E. Cystoadenoma } { TEST TASK ¹10 During operation a tumor of the lung and bifurcation limphatic nodes were removed. Microscopically it was determined that the tumor consists of monomorphic lymphocyte-like cells that form no structures. Stroma is poor. There are multiple mitosis in the tumor, large areas of necrosis. The neoplastic tissue found in sinuses of lymphatic node has the same structure. Your diagnosis: ~ A. Squamous keratinizing cancer ~ B. Squamous non-keratinizing cancer ~ C. Basal cell cancer = D. Non-differentiated cancer ~ E. Transitional cell cancer }