:: Disorders of hemostasis. Thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation. Embolism :: At autopsy revealed multiple hemorrhagic infarctions of the lungs, in some vessels of light brown solid masses , which are not attached to the wall of blood vessels, varicose veins of the lower extremities, which are blood clots. What pathological process is it? { = Tromboembolism of pulmonary vessels artery ~ Tissue embolism of the pulmonary artery ~ Hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia ~ Stagnant thrombosis of pulmonary artery ~ Fat embolism pulmonary artery } During the accident the driver was wounded in the neck of a broken glass. The bleeding was small, but after a few minutes the victim died with the phenomenon of acute respiratory insufficiency. Autopsy of the heart of the deceased revealed the water-filled cavity of the pericardium with bubbles. What is the most likely pathological process. { = Air embolism ~ Fat embolism ~ Embolism foreign bodies ~ Thromboembolism ~ Gas embolism } The man with coffered disease died with signs of acute disorders of cerebral circulation in area of a. meningea media of the left hemisphere of the brain. The autopsy found the center of gray softening of the brain of specified area in size 4cm . Select the nature of the process that caused the death of a person. { ~ Atherosclerosis of = Gas embolism ~ Thrombosis ~ Fat embolism ~ Thromboembolism } The pilot died due to depressurization of the aircraft cabin. Histological examination of internal organs in the blood vessels found a large number of bubbles, in the liver – fatty degeneration. In the brain and spinal cord – multiple small ischemic lesions of gray softening. Specify the most probable cause of such changes. { = Gas embolism ~ Fat embolism ~ Tissue embolism ~ Thromboembolism ~ Air embolism } At histopathological examination in the artery detected the presence of a blood clot composed of platelets, fibrin and leukocytes. What is a thrombus? { ~ Hyaline ~ Mixed = White ~ Red ~ Layered } The deceased man of 30 years found clots between trabeculae, on the valvular and the parietal endocardium of the heart. What are these blood clots? { = Parietal ~ Bridging ~ Globular ~ Progressive ~ Mixed } In a patient of 21 years in the postoperative period on the third day after the amputation of the thigh the bandage was soaked with blood. The patient developed shock . How to explain this complication? { = Autolysis of a blood clot ~ Vasculare thrombus ~ Calcification of the thrombus ~ Ossification of a blood clot ~ Embolism } Sick woman 30 years old, suffering from thrombophlebitis of the veins of the legs, died suddenly with symptoms of pulmonary disease . Autopsy of the lungs found 3 hemorrhagic infarctions. What is their most likely origin? { ~ Angiospasm ~ Heart failure ~ Stagnation of blood ~ Venous stasis = Thromboembolism } At autopsy of the deceased men 40 years old, trapped in a car accident and died on the 5-th day, the pathologist found with a special staining in the microvasculature of the lungs with large amount of fat. What was the cause of death? { ~ Traumatic shock ~ Angiospasm ~ Heart failure = Fat embolism ~ General venous congestion } Select the one correct answer. A 32 year old woman suffered from subacute bacterial endocarditis suddenly lost of vision in her right eye. During examination, the eye doctor revealed a dramatic expansion of the lumen of the central artery and the presence of a clot. Detected changes are instance: { = Phlebothrombosis ~ Thromboembolism ~ DIC ~ Sludge phenomenon ~ Blood stasis }