:: Diseases of the female and male reproductive system. Diseases of pregnancy and the postpartum period :: During histological examination of scraping of the uterine cavity of a 45 - year-old women with disorders of ovarian - menstrual cycle showed an increase in the number of endometrial glands, some sawtooth crimped, some cancer - cystic dilated. Diagnose the disease. { ~ Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium = Glandular - cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium ~ Atypical endometrial hyperplasia ~ Placental polyp ~ Glandular endometrial polyp } Microscopic examination of the cervical biopsy revealed cellular and nuclear atypia squamous epithelium, abnormal mitosis, and Horny pearls in the deep epithelial layers. Your diagnosis: { ~ Squamous cell carcinoma without keratinization ~ Transitional cell carcinoma = Squamous cell carcinoma with keratinization ~ Glandular cancer ~ Anaplastic cancer } Histological examination of scrapings of the mucous membrane of the uterus in a patient 54 years of age with a clinical diagnosis of disorders of ovarian - menstrual cycle revealed a proliferation of atypical glandular structures composed of cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, figures of mitosis, atypia. Atypical glandular structures grow into the myometrium. For what pathological process characteristic identified microscopically changes? { = Adenocarcinoma of the uterus ~ Acute endometritis ~ Horionepithelioma uterus. ~ Placental polyp ~ Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium } The woman of 46 years with palliative surgical operation for cancer of the stomach revealed the presence of Krukenberg’s metastasis in the ovaries ("Krukenberg’s ovarian cancer "). which of the following routes of metastasis led to the defeat of the ovaries? { ~ Hematogenous ~ Lymphogenous orthograde = Lymphogenous retrograde ~ Implantation ~ Canalicular } A young woman in connection with sharp pains in the club area, fallopian tube is withdrawn with the local expansion of its middle third, filled with blood. histological examination of the hole in the pipe found chorionic, large fields of red blood cells with mixture of white blood cells. Your diagnosis: { ~ Bleeding into fallopian tube ~ Acute suppurative salpingitis = Tubal pregnancy ~ Hemorrhagic salpingitis ~ Purulent salpingitis } At autopsy, a man of 73 years revealed enlarged, soft, elastic, slightly nodular prostate gland, which consists of individual nodes, separated by layers of connective tissue. Microscopy revealed an increase in the number of glandular elements. The particle size and the number of glandular elements is different. What process occurs in the prostate gland? { ~ Mixed nodular hyperplasia ~ Muscular-fibrous (stromal) nodular hyperplasia = Glandular nodular hyperplasia ~ Adenocarcinoma ~ Undifferentiated carcinoma } Histological examination of the prostate, operatively removed from man, 72 years old, complained of difficulty in passing urine, detected an increase in the number of glandular and muscular elements. Lobular structure of the gland is broken. What process in the prostate gland is the most likely? { ~ Muscular-fibrous hyperplasia ~ Glandular hyperplasia = Mixed form of prostatopathy ~ Prostatitis ~ Adenocarcinoma } Patient 42 years old, suffering from menometrorrhagia produced by supravaginal amputation of the uterus. On gross examination revealed multiple intramural and submucous dense nodes in the capsule sizes from 1 to 5 cm, the cut whitish, fibrous structure. Microscopically predelete randomly arranged bundles of smooth muscle fibers. Your diagnosis? { ~ Choriocarcinoma ~ Fibroma = Multiple leiomyoma ~ Polyp ~ Endocervicosis } The patient was 57 years there were intermittent uterine bleeding. For diagnostic purposes is performed curettage of the uterus. As received material among the elements of the blood are observed glandular complexes of various sizes and shapes formed by atypical cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, numerous mitosis (including misuse). Your diagnosis: { = Cancer of the uterus (adenocarcinoma) ~ Fibromyoma of the uterus ~ Horionepitelioma ~ Glandular hyperplasia of endometrial ~ Endometritis } The patient was 23 years old the day after childbirth deteriorated condition of increased body temperature to 39.0 C, discharge from the uterus yellow-green with an unpleasant odor. Microscopic examination of scrapings of the endometrium are all of neutrophil granulocytes. Your diagnosis: { ~ Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium ~ Cancer of the uterine body ~ Physiological state ~ Sepsis = Acute endometritis }