: : Systemic connective tissue diseases with autoimmunization : : 1 During the autopsy of the dead there were found morphological manifestations: stenosis of the left atrioventricular opening, mitral insufficiency. Histologically in myocardium – focal cardiosclerosis, presence of flowering Aschoff's bodies. Which of the following diagnoses is the most probable: { ~ Dermatomyositis ~ Hidebound disease = Rheumatism ~ Periarteritis nodosa ~ Systemic lupus erythematosus. } 2 At autopsy of the patient of 25 years old, who died of uremia: kidneys were increased, mottled, with foci of hemorrhage. Histopathological there are identified hematoxylin bodies, glomerular capillary membrane in the form of wire loops, hyaline thrombi and fibrinoid necrosis foci in the spleen vessels - onion skin. What’s the most probable diagnosis: { ~ Diffuse scleroderma ~ Rheumatic arthritis ~ Periarteritis nodosa = Systemic lupus erythematosus ~ Rheumatoid arthritis } 3 The patient aged 50 over the years has got rheumatic heart disease. When recrudescence of the disease there has developed hemiplegia and death happened. Histologically in the mitral valve there was found evident sclerosis, focal cellular infiltration, fibrinoid overlay. What forms of endocarditis are characterized by those changes found: { ~ Diffusive ~ Acute-warty endocarditis = Back-warty endocarditis ~ Fibro-plastic ~ Polypoulcerosa } 4 The autopsy of the deceased young man who died in a coma found widespread thromboembolic infarction of the left hemisphere of the brain, as well as a large septic spleen, immune complex glomerulonephritis, ulcers in aortic valve leaflets, polypus-like thrombus covered with colonies of staphylococci. What disease resulted in a cerebral thrombembolia: { ~ Rheumatic thrombotic endocarditis = Septic bacterial endocarditis ~ Acute rheumatic valvulitis ~ Septicaemia ~ Septicopyemia } 5 The autopsy of the woman aged 40 who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis found an enlarged spleen. At section its fabric is brown-red color with enlarged follicles that looked like translucent grayish-white grains. Indicate which of the following pathological processes is the most probable: { ~ Splenic hyalinosis ~ Porphyritic spleen ~ Sugar-coated spleen ~ Lardaceous spleen = Sago spleen } 6 A woman aged 54 had a significant deformation of the joints of the fingers and feet. Histologically: periarticular connective tissue - mucoid swelling, fibrinoid necrosis areas, accumulation of macrophages, areas of sclerosis; in the synovium - edematous villi, with signs of mucoid and fibrinoid swelling in the synovial cavity tere were found single "rice bodies." Diagnose the disease: { ~ Rheumatism ~ Hematogenic tuberculosis ~ Arthragra = Rheumatoid arthritis ~ Marie-Striinipell disease } 7 During the autopsy of the dead there were found morphological manifestations: stenosis of the left atrioventricular opening, mitral insufficiency. Histologically in myocardium – focal cardiosclerosis, presence of flowering Aschoff's bodies. Which of the following diagnoses is the most probable: { = Rheumatism ~ Dermatomyositis ~ Systemic lupus erythematosus ~ Periarteritis nodosa ~ Hidebound disease } 8 At autopsy of the patient of 40 years old, who died of uremia: kidneys were increased, mottled, Kidney - thickening of the glomerular capillary membrane in the form of "wire loops" foci of fibrinoid necrosis of their walls and "hyaline" thrombs in the lumen, in the nucleus - "hematoxylin bodies"; in the heart – Libman-Sacks endocarditis. What kidney damage is most probable: { ~ Scleroid kidney ~ Final glomerulonephritis ~ Rheumatic glomerulonephritis ~ Choleric glomerulonephritis = Lupus nephritis } 9 A child of 7 years old had on the skin of extensor surfaces of elbows and knees dense, painless nodules of 1-2 mm in size. In the biopsy of nodules there is a large hearth of fibrinoid necrosis of connective tissue with lymphocytes and macrophages at the periphery. What disease is characterized by such nodules: { ~ Systemic lupus erythematosus. = Rheumatism ~ Hidebound disease ~ Rheumatoid arthritis ~ Periarteritis nodosa } 10 During microscopic examination of the myocardium of a girl who died of diphtheria as a result of heart failure there were found: fatty degeneration, and multiple foci of necrosis of cardiomyocytes, minor focal cellular infiltrates in the interstitial tissue. What kind of myocarditis is it: { = Interstitial myocarditis ~ Granulomatous myocarditis ~ Diffusive exudative myocarditis ~ Focal exudative myocarditis ~ Alterative myocarditis }