: : Diseases of fundamental substance of the tooth, the pulpa and periapical tissues : : 1 During microscopic examination of an extracted tooth there was observed replacement of its bigger part with the connective tissue with a large number of collagen fibers and focal infiltration of lymphocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells. What kind of disease is it: { ~ Serous pulpitis ~ Polypus of the pulpa ~ Gangrenous pulpitis ~ Granulated pulpitis = Fibrous pulpitis } 2 During examination of an extracted tooth there was observed: macroscopically the pulpa looks like gray-black structureless mass with putrid odor and microscopically - structureless necrotic mass which contains crystals of fatty acids and a lot of microorganisms. What kind of complication of acute pulpitis has developed: { ~ Phlegmon of the pulpa ~ Polypus of the pulpa = Gangrene of the pulpa ~ Chronic pulpitis ~ Granulomatosis of the pulpa } 3 Male aged 48 consulted a duty dentist complaining of a sharp throbbing pain in the bottom of the 7th tooth on the right. On examination, the dentist found a deep cavity in the root zone of the tooth crown, the striking enamel and dentin of the tooth. After the therapeutic interventions carried out and opening of the pulp cavity appeared purulent discharge, came relief. Your diagnosis: { ~ Caries, stain stage ~ Superficial caries ~ Median caries = Acute pulpitis ~ Dental tartar } 4 Young man aged 25 consulted a dentist complaining of change of the colour the first large molar on the right side of the lower jaw. During examination the dentist found on the background of healthy shinytooth enamel opaque white spot resembling chalk. Your diagnosis: { = Caries, stain stage ~ Superficial caries ~ Median caries ~ Deep dental caries ~ Fluorosis } 5 During examination of the mouth of the child aged 7 in the neck of the first upper molar on the right there was revealed pigmented spot with a small enamel defects. Your diagnosis: { ~ Caries, stain stage = Superficial caries ~ Median caries ~ Deep dental caries ~ Cemental caries } 6 Young man aged 24, living in an area where the fluoride content in the water is more than 2 mg /l, when examined by a dentist there was found: on the labial and lingual surfaces of the teeth there are some mild porcelaneous and chalky spots and stripes, covering not more than 1/3 of their surface. What disease does the patient have: { ~ Acid necrosis = First degree fluorosis ~ Second degree fluorosis ~ Third degree fluorosis ~ Fourth degree fluorosis } 7 During examination of an extracted tooth macroscopically there was observed carious cavity in the form of large cavern. Between the bottom of the carious cavity and pulp cavity there retained only a thin layer of dentin. Your diagnosis: { ~ Superficial caries ~ Median caries = Deep dental caries ~ Caries, stain stage ~ Cemental caries } 8 Patient's tooth cavity filled with granulation tissue which also fills a cavity in communication with it. What disease does the patient have: { = Hypertrophic pulpitis ~ Serous pulpitis ~ Fibrous pulpitis ~ Gangrenous pulpitis ~ Fluorosis } 9 During examination of an extracted tooth macroscopically there was observed carious cavity in the form of cone, its base is directed to the surface. Microscopically in the wall of the bottom of the carious cavity is divided into three zones: the softened dentin, transparent dentin and replacing dentine. Your diagnosis: { ~ Superficial caries ~ Caries, stain stage ~ Deep dental caries = Median caries ~ Cemental caries } 10 On examination by the dentist of mouth cavity of a child aged 4 there was found in the area of the neck of the first upper molar on the left carious lesions covering it circularly. Specify the type of tooth decay: { ~ Retrograde caries ~ Stationary caries ~ Lateral caries ~ Early, under enamel-dentin caries = Circular caries }