: : General doctrine about the tumor. Morphological features of tumors derived from mesenchyme: : 1 In ultrasound of a young woman were found retroperitoneal location of a tumor, node shaped up to 25 cm in diameter. On microscopic examination, the tumor is composed of spindle-shaped cells forming bundles, reaching in various directions. In special methods of investigation were identified in the cytoplasm of myofibrils. Cells differ pronounced polymorphism, there are many giant cells and atypical mitotic figures. Your diagnosis: { ~ Liposarcoma ~ Leiomyoma ~ Leiomyosarcoma ~ Rhabdomyoma = Rhabdomyosarcoma } 2 In 38 years old man were discovered large retroperitoneal tumor. Macroscopically, it had the form of a conglomerate of nodes with infiltration of surrounding tissues. The consistency is firm, cut surface is white, juicy, like a "fish-meat" motley places - with the centers mucilaginized, hemorrhage and necrosis. Microscopic tissue pronounced polymorphism. It consists of lipoblusts with varying degree of maturity, there are giant cells with bizarre nuclei. Your diagnosis: { ~ Fibroma ~ Malignant hibernoma ~ Lipoma ~ Hibernoma = Liposarcoma } 3 In computed tomography of a young woman of the retroperitoneal space was revealed a tumor that was removed promptly. Grossly it had a view of a size of 20x15x13 cm lobular structure (due to the abundance of connective tissue layers), soft-elastic consistency yellow in appearance resembling fat. Microscopic examination of the tumor is based on the type of adipose tissue, the size of this lobules and fat cells was vary wide. Your diagnosis: { ~ Malignant hibernoma ~ Desmoid = Lipoma ~ Hibernoma ~ Liposarcoma } 4 In the skin which is thick, mobile and clearly separated from the surrounding tissue was revealed a swelling. In cross-section it is white, represented by fibrous tissue. Microscopically: chaotically intertwined collagen fibers, few cells. What kind of swelling?: { ~ Myoma ~ Dermatofibroma. ~ Desmoid = Fibroma ~ Histiocytoma } 5 Histological examination of skin tumors revealed: parenchyma is formed of the surface epithelium with an increased number of layers. Stroma with epithelial growths forming buds. Specify the type of atypism: { ~ Metabolic. = Tissular ~ Histochemical ~ Cellular ~ Functional } 6 Removed uterus in the operation was delivered for histological studies. Under mucosa identified numerous rounded form nodes which are clearly separated from the surrounding tissue. Microscopically the tumor is built of smooth muscle bundles with the phenomena of tissue atypism. Your diagnosis?: { = Myoma ~ Fibroma ~ Leiomyosarcoma ~ Syncytial carcinoma ~ Uterine cancer } 7 Microscopic examination of tumor of the upper lip, revealed that it is built from multiple slit-like cavities whose walls are lined with flattened endothelium filled with liquid blood and contractions, diagnosis: { = Cavernous hemangioma ~ Venous hemangioma ~ Capillary hemangiomas ~ Haemangiopericytoma ~ hemangioma. } 8 In 17 years old patient intraoperatively on the bottom surface of the liver was revealed a tumor the size of 4,5x5,0x3,5sm. subserous with localization, dark red color, the cut represented a significant cavities containing blood. What is the preliminary diagnosis: { ~ Hemangioendothelioma ~ Lymphangioma. ~ Capillary hemangiomas ~ Haemangiopericytoma = Cavernous hamangioma } 9 In the thick and mobile skin, macroscopically dense tumor is found. When it is represented by microscopy randomly arranged bundles of collagen fibers with a small number of spindle-shaped cells. What is the removed tumor?: { ~ Myoma ~ Lipoma ~ hemangioma. = Thick fibroma ~ Melanoma } 10 At a 6 month baby on the skin of the neck was revealed a red flat node, when pressed by glass turns pale. What most likely is the diagnosis?: { ~ Lymphangioma = Hemangioma ~ Melanoma ~ Pigmented mole ~ Leiomyoma }