: : Regeneration and repair. sclerosis : : 1 Women suffering from diabetes, consult a surgeon with complaints about the presence of long-term non-healing ulcers on the skin on both shins (sores). The surgeon decided that the process is a manifestation of: { ~ Atrophy ~ Reparative regeneration = Pathological regeneration ~ Metaplasia ~ Organization } 2 The patient has a deep laceration with jagged edges, covered with pus. The edge portions of juicy granulation tissue, which does not rise above the level of injury. What kind of wound healing: { ~ Healing under a scab. ~ Healing by primary intention. = Mediate agglutination ~ The immediate closure of the defect of epithelial tissue. ~ Organization of the wound. } 3 In the bronchial biopsy of the patient, who was abused by smoking, thickened mucosa revealed chronic inflammation and the transformation of a single layer of ciliated epithelium to stratified squamous epithelium. Which process is most likely?: {. ~ Epithelial hypertrophy = Metaplasia ~ Squamous cell carcinoma ~ Epithelial hyperplasia ~ Leukoplakia } 4 When viewed from the mouth to the buccal mucosa, dense whitish spot diameter of about 1 cm was determined, which is slightly rising above the level of the mucosa. What is the name of this disease process?: { ~ Erythroplakia ~ Organization ~ Mucoid swelling = Leukoplakia ~ Carnification } 5 After a traumatic liver damage over time, there was a full restoration of the structure and function of the liver. What do you call this kind of regeneration?: { = Restitution ~ Pathological regeneration ~ Transformation ~ Normal physiological regeneration ~ Substitution } 6 At 35 years old man, after electric burn in the inner surface of the right hand was formed a keloid scar, and the forearm - nonhealing ulcers. Both of these processes are examples: { ~ Vicar hypertrophy ~ Reparative regeneration = Pathological regeneration ~ Protective hyperplasia ~ Metaplasia } 7 Microscopic studies of the lung tissue of the child who died as a result of measles pneumonia, found that the bronchial mucosa to a considerable extent represented by stratified non-keratinized squamous epithelium. Which is the process found in the bronchi? : { ~ Protective hyperplasia = Metaplasia ~ Pathological regeneration ~ Pathological hypertrophy ~ Organization } 8 In microscopic study of bronchial biopsy of the patient who for a long time suffered from chronic bronchitis, found that in some parts of the bronchial mucosa are represented by stratified squamous epithelium. It is a manifestation of: { ~ Norma ~ Hypertrophy ~ Regeneration ~ Atrophy = Metaplasia } 9 Microscopic examination of the gastric mucosa biopsy revealed the presence of glandular foci of intestinal metaplasia in the pyloric part. The most likely cause of these changes is: { ~ Alcohol abuse ~ Irregular meals ~ Reflux of gastric contents = Reflux of intestinal contents ~ Liver Disease } 10 At the child after the fall was formed a small bruise on his knee, which after some time completely epithelialized. What form of regeneration was observed in this case? : { ~ Pathological ~ Physilogical ~ Intracellular = Reparative ~ Renewable }