: : Tuberculosis : : 1 A man of 30 years, with histological examination of cervical lymph node biopsy, revealed granulomas which are composed of epithelioid, lymphoid, multinucleated giant cell type Pirogov-Langhans. In the center of the granuloma is determined necrosis. What is necessary to identify the causative agent in the necrotic zone to confirm the diagnosis of tuberculosis: { = Koch’s mycobacteria ~ Staphylococcus ~ Salmonella ~ Frisch-Volkovich bacillus ~ Treponema pallidum } 2 The child, after suffering from a sore throat, lymph nodes increased dramatically: paratracheal, bifurcational and cervical. Microscopic examination of the cervical lymph node revealed foci of necrosis limited lymphocytes, epithelioid cells and cells Pirogov-Langhans. Specify the most likely pathology: { ~ Rhinoscleroma ~ Sarcoidosis = Tuberculosis ~ Glanders ~ Syphilis } 3 A man 28 years old, at the histological examination of the cervical lymph node revealed a violation of the figure due to proliferation of epithelioid, lymphoid cells and macrophages with nuclei in the form of a horseshoe in the center of some clusters of cells - structureless areas pale pink with fragments of nuclei. What disease characterized by these changes: { = Tuberculosis ~ Actinomycosis ~ Syphilis ~ Metastatic tumor ~ Lymphogranulomatosis } 4 A patient sick with fibrocavernous tuberculosis died from renal failure. At autopsy - a specific smell of urine, left ventricular hypertrophy, fibrinous pericarditis, fibrinous-hemorrhagic enterocolitis. Kidneys somewhat reduced in size, very dense, with multiple retractions. Histologically, in preparations stained with Congo-Roth - pink mass in the glomeruli and the walls of blood vessels, the death and atrophy of the majority of nephrons, nephrosclerosis. Describe the kidney in this pathology: { = Amyloid contracted kidney ~ Secondary contracted kidney ~ Pyelonephritic shriveled kidney ~ Atherosclerotic shriveled kidney ~ Initially contracted kidney } 5 In patient with low-grade fever biopsy revealed: enlarged cervical lymph node with numerous granulomas, which comprise the heart of caseous necrosis surrounded by epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant cells Pirogov-Langhans and lymphocytes. What disease is characterized by such histopathological changes: { ~ Banal lymphadenitis = Tuberculosis ~ Lymphosarcoma ~ Lymphogranulomatosis ~ Lymphocytic leukemia } 6 Microscopic examination of skin biopsy revealed granulomas, which consist of epithelioid surrounded mainly by T-lymphocytes. Among the epithelioid cells arranged single giant multi-cell type Pirogov-Langhans. In the center of some granulomas defined areas of caseous necrosis. Blood vessels are not available. What disease characterized by granulomas described: { ~ Glanders = Tuberculosis ~ Leprosy ~ Syphilis ~ Rhinoscleroma } 7 A man aged 63 years, is sick of fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis for 24 years, was admitted to the nephrology department with symptoms of uremia. In vivo test for the presence of amyloid in the kidneys was positive. What form of amyloidosis in this case takes place: { = The secondary system ~ Limited (local) ~ Senile (aged) ~ Family congenital ~ Primary system } 8 When opening the body of the 9 year old girl at the top of the right lung was detected subpleural focus of caseous necrosis 15 mm in diameter,at the bifurcation lymph nodes were enlarged, contained small foci of coagulation necrosis type. Microscopic - in the pulmonary lesions and lymph nodes around the necrotic masses were located epithelioid cells, lymphocytes, and giant cells isolated. diagnose disease: { ~ Hematogenic generalized tuberculosis ~ Hematogenous tuberculosis, mainly affecting the lungs = Primary tuberculosis ~ Secondary focal tuberculosis ~ Secondary fibronodular tuberculosis } 9 In the section of a 72 years old man, showed an increase and deformation of the right knee joint. Histological examination of the tissues of the joint and surrounding areas found: massive foci of caseous necrosis surrounded by epithelioid shaft, lymphoid cells with the presence of giant macrophages. diagnose disease: { ~ Gonorrheal arthritis ~ Deforming osteoarthritis ~ Syphilitic arthritis ~ Rheumatoid arthritis = Tuberculous arthritis } 10 In microscopic examination of the cervical lymph node were revealed accumulations of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes and giant multinucleate cells Pirogov-Langhans. At the heart of caseous necrosis. Specify the most likely pathology: { ~ Syphilis = Tuberculosis ~ Sarcoidosis ~ Rhinoscleroma ~ Glanders }