:: Esophagus. Stomach and intestinum diseases :: {The patient had gastric ulcer complicated by bleeding after endoscopy in the stomach there was found liquid coloured as coffee grounds. Which pigment have caused such a color of gastric content? ~Bilirubin ~Haemosiderin =Hemin ~Ferritin ~Porphyrins} {The patient with bloody vomit during the surgery in the stomach there was found ulcer, penetrating into the muscle layer of the stomach. Ulcer edges were dense, at the bottom - the bleeding blood vessel. During cytobiopsy at the edges and the bottom of the ulcer there was found scar tissue. Which type of ulcer does the patient have? =Chronic bleeding ulcer ~Acute bleeding ulcer ~Malignant ulcer ~ Ruptured stomach ulcer ~Penetrate ulcer} {At autopsy of a woman aged 33 there were found gastric wall thickening in pyloric part (on the cut layers of the wall are distinguishable) with the growth of dense whitish tissue in the submucosa and small strands in the muscle layer. Relief of the mucosa is saved, folds are rigid, motionless. Which form of macroscopic tumors is probable in this case? ~Ulcer ~Lump =Infiltrate ~Cyst ~Infiltrative-ulcerous form} {The patient aged 42 complaints of pain in the epigastric region, vomiting; vomit-colored "coffee grounds", melanorrhea. Anamnesis showes peptic ulcer. In blood: Er- 2,8 * 1012. Specify the most probable complication developed the patient has: ~Canceration ~Pyloristenosis =Hemorrhage ~Perforation ~Penetration} {The woman aged 45 suffers from peptic ulcer. Suddenly felt bad: there was a sharp pain in the abdomen, vomiting "coffee grounds", cold clammy sweat, after a while melanorrhea. What complication of gastric ulcers has developed? ~Stenosis of the gastric wall ~Ulcer perforation ~Ulcer malignant change ~Ulcer penetration =Hemorrhage from ulcer} {The man aged 40 for a long time has suffered from peptic ulcer. During endoscopy there was diagnosed Hellicobacter-associated chronic gastritis. Which of the following is a type of such gastritis? ~Type À =Type  ~Type Ñ ~Eosinophilic ~Granulomatous} {The biopsy of the gastric mucosa there was found a decrease in the number of glands, proliferation of connective tissue. Saved glands were placed in groups, their their ducts were expanded. The mucosa was infiltrated by lymphocytes, plasma cells, isolated neutrophils. In gastric glands there were observed goblet cells and Paneth cells. Your diagnosis: ~Menetrier's disease ~Chronic endogastritis =Chronic gastratrophia ~Squamous stomach cancer ~Adenosquamous stomach cancer} {The man aged 40 for a long time has suffered from peptic ulcer. During endoscopy with biopsy there was diagnosed chronic gastritis type C. The cause of this gastritis is gastric mucosal damage due to influence of: ~Alcohol ~Medicine =Bile acids ~Pancreatic juice ~Spicy food} {Woman aged 37. She suffered from pain in the right iliac fossa, nausea, vomiting. She was operated on for ulcerative-phlegmonous appendicitis. After 3 days there was a hectic fever, pain in the right upper quadrant, expressed ochrodermia and visible mucous membranes, in the blood there was found increased level of direct and indirect bilirubin. What complication of acute destructive appendicitis was developed in this case? ~Abscess of small pelvis ~Abscesses of subphrenic space =Pileflebitis abscesses ~General fibrinopurulent peritonitis ~Viral hepatitis} {At autopsy the corpse of a woman aged 28 years who suffered from acute appendicitis were found multiple liver abscesses, which led to the death. What morphological changes in the wall of the appendix and surrounding tissues led to the development of fatal complications? =Appendical thrombophlebitis ~Perforation of the wall of the appendix ~Empyema of the appendix ~Appendical thromboarteritis ~Self-amputation of the appendix}