:: Atherosclerosis. Ishemic heart disease:: {During microscopic examination of the coronary artery of the 53 years old deceased there was revealed narrowing of the vessel lumen by a fibrous plaque with a mixture of lipids. The most likely form of atherosclerosis is: ~Alceration =Liposklerosis ~Prelipid ~Lipoidosis ~Atheromatosis} {After autopsy of the dead man of 73 years old, who had suffered for a long time from coronary heart disease with cardiac failure, there was found: nutmeg liver, brown induration of lungs, cyanotic induration of the kidneys and spleen. Specify the most provisional type of circulatory disturbances? ~Chronic anemia =Chronic general venous congestion ~Acute general venous congestion ~Arterial hyperemia ~Acute anemia} {A man aged 44, suffered from myocardial infarction, died of left ventricular failure. The autopsy found: pulmonary edema, hemorrhage atomized in serous and mucous membranes. Microscopically: degenerative and necrobiotic changes in the epithelium of proximal tubules of the kidneys, in liver – centrolobular hemorrhage and necrotic foci. What type of circulatory disturbances is most likely? ~Chronic general venous congestion ~Arterial hyperemia =Acute general venous congestion ~Acute anemia ~Chronic anemia} {Man, aged 45 died from cardiac arrest emergency. During autopsy there was found a symmetrical type of third-degree obesit, burst of the wall of the right ventricle with hemopericardium, under the epicardium excess fat deposits. Microscopically: adipose tissue from epicardial is distributed in the myocardium with atrophy of muscle fibers. What process is most likely? ~Cardiomyoliposis ~Coronary artery disease ~Hypertensive disease ~Fatty degeneration of the heart =Acute myocardial infarction} {During autopsy of a man aged 70 who died of cardiovascular disease there was found chronic venous congestion of the organs, hypertrophy of the left ventricle with small focal cardiosclerosis, voluminous yellowish-whitish plaques in the intima of the aorta with grouts in the center that go deep into the thickness of the wall. What pathological process is the most probable in the aorta? =Atheromatosis ~Liposclerosis ~Calcinosis ~Arteriosclerosis ~Lipoidosis} {During autopsy of a male corpse aged 60 in myocard of the front wall of the aortic ventricle of heart there was found grey irregularly shaped solid focus of 5 õ 4 cm with straight boundaries of fibrillar structure. What’s the most probable diagnosis? ~Myocarditis ~Cardiomyopathy ~Diffuse fine-focal myocardiosclerosis ~Myocardial Infarction =Postinfarction myocardiosclerosis} {The patient aged 65 suffered from atherosclerosis, hospitalized in the surgical ward on the diffuse purulent peritonitis. During the operation there was diagnosed thrombosis of mesenteric arteries. What is the most probable cause of peritonitis? ~Compression ischemia ~Hemorrhagic infarction =Anemic infarct ~Angiospastic ischemia ~Stasis} {During autopsy of a male corpse aged 60 in myocard of the front wall of the aortic ventricle of heart there was found grey irregularly shaped solid focus of 5 õ 4 cm with straight boundaries of fibrillar structure. What’s the most probable diagnosis? ~Myocarditis ~Cardiomyopathy ~Diffuse fine-focal myocardiosclerosis ~Myocardial Infarction =Postinfarction myocardiosclerosis} {During autopsy of a female corpse aged 67 suffered from coronary heart disease in the anterior wall of the left ventricle was found a large center of white light irregularly shaped, thick consistency. What kind of chronic ischemic heart disease is characterized by these changes? =Postinfarction (macrofocal) cardiosclerosis ~Acute myocardial infarction ~Focal myocardial degeneration ~Chronic cardiac aneurysm ~Small-focal cardiosclerosis} {In the study of an amputated lower limb of a patient suffering from atherosclerosis there were found: dry skin on the foot, dense tissue, black, border with normal tissues is clear. What complication from atherosclerosis did the patient have? =Dry gangrene of the foot ~Stenosing atherosclerosis ~Deep vein thrombosis of the shin ~Mesenteric form of atherosclerosis ~Calcinosis of the aorta}