:: General doctrine of inflammation. Exudative inflammation. Morphology of exudative inflammation:: {Patient fever, shortness of breath, pain in the right side of the chest. Pleural puncture gave 700 ml of a viscous liquid yellow-green color. What pathological process developed in the pleural cavity? ~Serous pleurisy ~Bronchopneumonia =Empyema ~Hemorrhagic pleurisy ~Carcinomatosis pleura.} Colonic mucosa have died of dysentery during the autopsy full-blooded, covered with a film of gray, which opens with the effort. What type of inflammation developed in the intestine of the patient? =Diphtheritic inflammation ~Hemorrhagic inflammation ~Cataral ~Serous inflammation ~Cropouse inflammation {The autopsy of a patient who died of chronic renal failure in the colon mucosa revealed a gray-yellow, dense film attached, which are separated with ulceration. Specify the type of inflammation: ~Cataral ~Serous =Diphtheritic ~Cropouse ~Purulent} {A 55 year old man has long suffered from chronic glomerulonephritis. He died with symptoms of chronic renal failure. On the surface of the epicardium and pericardium were gray-white villous layering. What pathological process occurred in the pericardium? ~Blood congestion =Fibrous inflammation ~Proliferative inflammation ~Organization ~Hemorrhagic inflammation} {The autopsy of the deceased 34 year old rheumatism - villous epicardial surface coated with a film of gray, which can be easily separated. After their separation appears swollen full-blooded epicardial surface. The most likely diagnosis is: ~Proliferative pericarditis ~Catarrhal pericarditis ~Purulent pericarditis ~Hemorrhagic pericarditis =Fibrinous pericarditis} {The autopsy of the deceased from cardiopulmonary diseases male 47 years old, found in the left lung cavity size 4x4 cm filled with pus, scalloped wall, uneven, presented pulmonary It shows lung tissue. Most likely it: ~Chronic abscess ~Echinococcosis ~Fibrosing alveolitis =Acute abscess ~Cavernous tuberculosis} {At autopsy the deceased was found in the abdominal cavity of about 2.0 liters of purulent fluid. The peritoneum cloudy, with a gray shade on the intestinal serousa layers of gray, which can be easily removed. Most likely it: ~Abscess =Fibrous-purulent peritonitis ~Serous peritonitis ~Hemorrhagic peritonitis ~Tuberculosis peritonitis} {The young woman in connection with acute pain in the iliac region, fallopian tube is removed from the local expansion of its middle third, filled with blood. Histological examination of the pipe in the hole found chorionic villi, large field of red blood cells with a mixture of white blood cells. Your diagnosis: ~Purulent salpingitis =Tubal pregnancy ~Hemorrhage in the fallopian tube ~Acute suppurative salpingitis ~Hemorrhagic salpingitis} {A 28 year old patient amygdala increased significantly, full-blooded, painful, on the surface - the dense dirty gray film that apply to the hard palate, closely related to the underlying tissues, when you try to remove them - developing bleeding. What pathological process explains these changes? ~Catarrhal exudative inflammation ~Lobar exudative inflammation =Diphtheritic inflammation exudative ~Purulent exudative inflammation Hemorrhagic ~Exudative of inflammation} {The patient died from chronic pyelonephritis chronic renal failure. When auscultation of life marked by the phenomenon of "pericardial rub. The autopsy found that the epicardium dull, rough, as if covered scalp. What is the nature of pericarditis, an inflammation occurs? ~Diphtheritic ~Putrid ~Serous =Croupouse ~Purulent}